
If you could Travel Back in time. Would you change your life?

by  |  earlier

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My answer is both yes AND no...

YES: I would because then I'd take that MMR needle and shove it up the doctor's "where-the-sun-don't-shine"

I have autism because of that jab! I don't care what the public says about it I know it is because of that!

I am living proof that Autism and MMR are connected!

I am the only person in my family who has Autism and the only person in my family who has had the MMR jab! and I'd do anything to get rid of it but no fabled "cure" please! because there isn't one!

NO: Because then I wouldn't have thought of the novels I'm writing =[




  1. no....because then it will change ur future

  2. You know.... I think if I could travel back in time the government would kill me somehow.  Seriously, I bet someone knows how but its under wraps.  If you could travel back in time you could get away with anything, you could invent the computer and become bill gates. Time travel is so delicate if we had the ability to do it... we'd seriously mess things up.

  3. My answer is yes and no

    Yes:To redo what i did at school yesterday

    make it midnight(so i could go back to school and change my math grade (and others) a 100% or A)

    to not eat much candy and have spacers

    To redo the mistakes i did

    to slap (my present teacher) before she was born to see where she would end up now  =)

    No:Because i would not be a good reader in class and a good writer (also) like i am now

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