
If you could. Where would you chose to open a Apple retail store?

by  |  earlier

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a.) high income, low population shopping mall or

2.) low-mid income, high population shopping mall




  1. 2.


    Which equals to Indooroopilly Shopping Centre in Brisbane.

  2. The 2nd one

  3. If I could, I wouldnt.

  4. View It Now         StockTopper (dot) com

  5. i prefer number 2 because anything small when save, it will be big

  6. probably the high income one... apple is kinda pricey (but it's awesome!!!) :D

  7. well it depends; if i have a high income with a low population shopping mall. i dont need to worry about jack; im getting paid.

    if i have a low-mid income with high population shopping mall ; i could try a way to get more customers into the store to raise the income.

  8. china lol

    a though

  9. in a tree

  10. a

  11. either place,upper income preferred.

    reason franchise protection.

  12. no where. honestly apple is so exclusive. if you need someting you have to go to the apple store to get it. microsoft products are sold most everywhere. there are apple stores opening up in places like best buy but they are small and miniscule compared to the microsoft/samsung/sony etc. products that surround it. apple should really stick to making phones and ipods. its what theyre good at. computer arent their forte. microsoft whoops them in this area. windows pcs are very flexible and customizable. their more compatible to things in the world. alot more games are available for windows than mac. more graphics cards are available for windows than mac as well. apple store a waste of space. i wouldnt open one in my town...theres no need for it.

  13. You are asking the wrong question, they are plenty of retail stores.

  14. the second choice

  15. no income, no population area

  16. I prefer to choose on the low-mid income and high population mall. It is much better to take a closer look on the number of prospects that you're product is interested with. Yes, income is very important factor in a business success but it doesn't mean that you should limit the number of prospects or customers to the extent of your store. One important thing there is that you as a manager or an owner should know the number of prospects because accordingly, prospects and customers are right and they should considered as a king. Therefore, you should not look directly on the financial aspects of your store but you should also consider the number of buying prospects because the success of the business lies within your hand and the support of the consumers. That's it dude.

    I am just applying my knowledge as a business administration and financial management student.

    Thank you for that wonderful and interesting query.

    Hope it helps. God Bless.

  17. 2.) low-mid income, high population shopping mall.

    I just got an imac last year and My family makes mid income so yeah. Plus alot of my middle class friends has Imacs.

    you would have more business at a busier place, pretty much anyone who saves up could easily afford an ipod or something.

    Also, if kids go to the mall alot like the ones in my community. they'd wander into the store and buy random little knick knacks for their ipods or computers.

  18. A!

    (ps, you might wanna keep the options consistent. (a, 2 ?) )

  19. the second one.

    more people= more money.

    besides, EVERYONE has an ipod nowadays even crackhead joe.

  20. 2....they always save up for the good stuff.

    more people= more chances to sell :)

  21. high income place cuz the iPhone is so darn expensive

  22. I don't think a store that just sells apples would be very successful in either location. You'd really need to have bananas, oranges, limes, and kiwi fruit to make it in the real world.

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