
If you could afford it would you send the kids to private school?

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  1. My Daughter has started at a grammar school this morning. It's a STATE school and yet we are being 'assertively encouraged' to make a monthly donation of between £15 and £60 per month.

    Private education has never and will never be a choice for us for lots of different reasons. But it looks like we are paying anyway;-( Have to say the facilities and environment are spectacular but whereas we can afford to pay ( by the skin of our teeth) lots will struggle. What if it puts people off because they are too embarrassed at not being able to pay? Wrong, Wrong,Wrong.

  2. Hellll nooooo!!!

    All the privet school kids iv met are either spoilt arogant, ignorant d**k heads with no real life exspericance, end up with more money than sense and end up wasting it on cocaine, or are completely socially retarted and cant socialise with anyone unlike themselves.

    Normal school builds character and gives you an education, which is much more important in my eyes.

  3. No, I'd miss them too much, and I think Family is just as important as education....

  4. i have worked at both a public and a private school.

    there is not one that gives a better education than the other, the state tells what to teach and when to teach it.

    i have noticed that the kids in the private school  got away with alot more wrong stuff than at a public school and they realized that so it made them act worse and the  lack of discipline was not fit for some of the things they did, i realize that every school is not the same so i am not speaking for all of the private schools but would i send my kid to a private school? no i would not

  5. I'm torn on this one. Years ago I sent my daughter to Private boarding school (coming home at weekends) as I worked away alot. She was 8 and before that had had a normal state education, but when circumstances changed financially I thought it better for me and her. Within weeks she was a changed child, speaking very politely and learning French, thriving. However, at home she was picked on be the other kids in the neighbourhood  for being "posh" and different from the rest.

    A year later my circumstances changed and I could no longer afford the fees so she returned to state school. What a difference, a reversion totally. Whilst she did not suffer for this, (thank God) I still think she would have had a better chance in life if she had been able to stay at Private school providing we had been living in a more affluent area. What she did tell me later and to my horror........that on several occasions in the State school the teacher had put things on the board for them to copy, whilst the teacher knitted!!!!

    So my answer is, yes, if I were well off, lived in a middle class area then yes, definitely.

  6. No.  I do believe in supporting the system and building it up to a high standard.  That's why my kids go to the local state school.  

    I've taught them their manners and their morals.  I send my children to school in a fit state to be taught - they are disciplined and respectful.  I've done my bit - it's up to the state to do the rest.

    I encourage them to read, discuss the news, etc etc.  They have a broad outlook and enjoy school.

  7. absolutely not!

    I went to private school, lasted 3 months

    People have this impression of brilliant schools, brilliant teachers and getting the best education money can buy

    The truth is not all are like that, in fact very few are

    They are full of spoilt rich kids who are used to getting what they want

    Drugs and alcohol are part of everyday life

    So are parties in the dorms, we used to sneak out of ours in the middle of the night all the time

    Fighting is also pretty normal, so many egos in one small space

    When i look back now I'm so glad I did get kicked out, it was the best thing that ever happened

    The state school I went to afterwards was amazing in comparison

    I know that If i stayed there I'd probably be a raging coke head by now

  8. yes and they already are  

  9. Yes because not only would they be getting the best education but, they would also have teachers who genuinely care about their educational needs working with them.

  10. It most areas, no, but where I live most definately. I'm saving now!!

    EDIT: Just a point, I would send them to PRIVATE school, not boarding school. The private school I would send them to is 10 mins walk away and my best friend is also thinking of sending her daughter there. It's the same price as full time nursery, so at the moment when we're both paying for nursery why not?!

  11. No.

  12. I go to a state school and HATE it. I know people who go to private schools and they have more opportunities (trips, clubs etc.) They also get a longer holiday!!

  13. A private school does not guarantee a better education by any means.

    Some private schools (mostly the church-affiliated ones) can be really cheap and run down with very limited programs and terrible curriculum.

    If I had kids I want to send them to a school where the oppurtunities are endless and have the necessary services needed (such as counseling and health) as well as be able to learn as they pace that they need to go to achieve success.  I just dont trust the Private Schools to put the money they get in the right places cuz some areas will get too much money (sports and interior decorating) and other areas not enough (textbooks and fine arts).

  14. I went to a private all girl school.It would depend on how good or bad your local school is surely.If it had a great reputation there wouldn't be any need.

  15. No.i think children need to go to the school of life where they aren't around all 'rich' kids. I'm very happy with the education my children have and are now receiving from the local comprehensive.

    My older 3 left with exam results which could match any ones in private school.But they also learnt that society has lots of different  classes,incomes and issues.My kids wouldn't think any different if they saw a child in shoes with holes in them and a child in designer shoes.They would still show them the same respect.For that i am really proud.

    I think private schools produce snobs.

  16. Yes....we sent our daughter to a private school all the way through.

  17. I would have when they were growing up.  They were influenced by the ungodly terribly and it was a total grief.  They are all in their 40s now.

  18. Yes I was lucky to be able to go to one, thanks to my Grandma. There is one thing that I learned there which is never taught in ordinary schools. "Always listen to the other persons point of view" and I forgot to mention, good manners.Something sadly lacking in today's young

  19. If they wanted it, yes. But I wouldn't send them there just because I could.

  20. My son was the best in the county at maths (he won the gold prize in the county schools maths competition) but he dropped out of A Levels because he thought the lessons were futile, boring and target-driven. To be honest, I suspect private school would have been little different. We need a root and branch review of education culture in this country. They're even setting targets for 4 year olds now.

    My son is now at college studying IT and is a lot happier because he says they treat him like a grown-up.

  21. my mum always said to me that if she won the lottery, she would send me to private school, which i wouldn't mind.

    nothing wrong with a good education..

    there hard to find in public schools these days..

  22. Yep. I would send mine to boarding school until they are 16!!

  23. For sure. They get better results .

  24. yes yes and er yes ... sorry ;) x

    er are we talking private school or boarding school? cos yes to private and no to boarding... ;)

  25. No, Its just a form of snobbery and they will get into the same trouble no matter which school they attend. Only difference is if they attend private school they have more money to waste and don't learn the value of it because mummy and daddy just throws it at them.    

  26. Yes I would.  Two of my friends from when I was at school went to private schools (different ones) and it was so different from the school I went to.  Their teachers actually really wanted to teach (I'm not saying all teachers in normal schools don't, but a lot at my school didn't)  There are smaller class sizes so it's easier for the teachers to have one on one time.  Parents are kept up to date with anything the kids are going through.  

  27. Yes if it would of been an option ....but as it was too expensive -

    Our children were home schooled through a charter school program.

  28. I went to boarding school and hated it. I swore that when I had kids I would never send them and I didn't.  

  29. i have seen the results of both private and public education first hand. it seems the only thing the private educated kids have over public educated kids is snobbery. also the attitude that money will solve your problems.  

  30. Having been to one, absolutely not. Private schools are where the thick children who didn't get into the grammar schools but do have money end up. Those without money go to comprehensives.

  31. not sure why i would or even want too, for better education ?? yes possibly but why waste my money, i've known many parents with their kids that have turned out with a degree of some kind and no problems at all, very debatable  

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