
If you could afford to go to the Moon would you consider going?

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Would you take your spouse with you. What would be the purpose of this trip?




  1. i would be the first person to do doggy style on the moon, so i guess i'm taking my spouse too

  2. I would love to go and witness a lunar eclipse from the moons surface.     what a site that would be.

  3. No I wouldn't, because I might not get back to Earth, or If something happened to my family while up there. It's not worth the risk I think.

  4. YES, it'd be like a once in a life time chance, but then again I have money because I can afford the trip. LOL...the purpose of the trip is experience. You get to see what earth really looks like, you get to see the moon up close and personal instead of from afar like you've always had when you were a kid, you get to tell everyone how great it was, and it'd be weird being in a universe full of blackness and stars It'd be a great thing to share with your spouse, something to remember forever.

  5. I would go with out any hesitation because I have always wanted to go into space let alone visit another celestial body.

  6. I would go to the moon without a moment's hesitation. To hurtle through space, beyond the Earth, to come under another celestial body's influence, would be a profound experience for me. I would pack every scientific experiment and sensor onto my spacecraft as it could carry, and return whatever samples and data needed to whichever institution requested it. It would be a monumental waste of resources to go just for the view.

  7. h**l no!!...I would love to go...but..astronauts don't pay for their own trips to space...why should I?...

    If they could afford to send me...then..I would go...otherwise....I'll just have to dream.

  8. Yea I would drop her *** off bye bye B.

  9. Would I? That would be the experience of a lifetime. That would be a dream come true. Imagine how different you would look at life if you had been off of Earth and realized how small it really is! Oh yes, I wouldn't consider, I would sign up immediately.

  10. the question should be why wouldnt anyone go to the moon if they had the opportuinity! lol

    I would in a heartbeat.

    Just the ride there would be something only a few hands full of people have been able to experience.

  11. I would go. Yes, My husband and daughter must go as well. The purpose of this trip will be strictly informational. I want to know what it will be like to weigh nothing.  Oh and to out do my friends.. When they're talking about their vacations I can say oh remember the time we went to the moon... opps sorry.. you didnt go.

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