
If you could ask God or Jesus Christ and ask them 1 question about anything what would it be?

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If you could ask God or Jesus Christ and ask them 1 question about anything what would it be?




  1. I would ask which religion is right to you or does it even matter as  long as you believe in something even if no one else does? I would ask this because I am a pagan and christians are always telling me I am going to h**l. This is so I can say God says that it doesn't matter what religion you are.

  2. What can I do to serve you on this earth?

  3. where is lord lucan?

  4. Which is true, religion or evolution.

  5. "{A}ccording to the Christian mythology, [Jesus] died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the nonideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice." [Ayn Rand]

    The Q is: Why was a man of perfect virtue sacrificed for men who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice on their behalf when they are viscious sinners who are too selfish to recognize an altruistic gift?

    My site; Thank you for looking at it.

  6. what the meaning of life...


  8. I think I would ask them what They would like me to accomplish in my life.

  9. I would ask him to pretty please rescue one certain person from h**l.

  10. i will be asking," why we have been sent in this world."

  11. at this moment of my life, i'd ask him -or her, or It-  where is my dad, want to see him , too my grannies, because they are all died and I suppose they are flying in some kind of "Sky" or the name it had.

  12. "Could you please abolish Mondays?"

  13. Why ? Why why why  .... ?

  14. The one question that would answer all my questions, "Why?".  

  15. We believe in You, so why don't You believe in us?

  16. I couldn't. Someone(s) made them up a long long time ago! ;-(=

  17. Is there hope?

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