
If you could ask Marco a question.....?

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.......... what would it be ?

Here is your chance :

Marco Simoncelli is doing a Q & A session for via youtube.

Direct link here :

I have a good question for the superfast Marco : " Have you forgotten the way to the barbers shop ? "

Your question to Marco ?




  1. Hi Wiggysan

    My question would be along the same lines as yours. How much is he gonna win on the bet? It's got to be the only reason he would willingly make himself look that ridiculous! Does he not realize that with his baseball cap on he looks like Coco the Clown. Still with all the dangerous moves he's pulled this year, a bit of extra padding inside his helmet can't go amiss! Still.....a great racer to watch though.

  2. Well Wiggysan, you misled me, seeing your title i assumed it would be Marco Melandri as he is in the spotlight at the moment with his switch to Kawasaki.

    Mabey in future put their full names as i and many other people don't care about people in the 125's and the 250's.

    Cheers, Forza.

  3. How you could perform so well at Spain 2004 and do not a lot else all season! Still one of my fave 125cc races, younger than me and does a great poodle impression ( presumably)

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