
If you could ask a business owner 3 questions what would they be?

by  |  earlier

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If you were in sales and had a LIMITED about of time, say for example an elevator ride duration, to ask a business owner 3 questions what would they be and way? (In regards to their thoughts/views on advertising, what works, etc..) You are in advertising sales and trying to get your foot in the door




  1. May I ask what you do?

    (Gather info)

    That's interesting, how did you get into that?

    (Flatter their achievements)

    Would you honor me with a few moments of your time and allow me to set an appointment to come and learn more about your business and see how I may be of service to you?

    (Ask for what you want ... or at least that appointment to get you what you want later)


    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

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