
If you could ask any question, but only one, and know you'll get the correct answer, what would it be?

by  |  earlier

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If you could ask any question, but only one, and know you'll get the correct answer, what would it be?




  1. What happens to us after death?

    Once we know the answer to this, almost all fears (sadly only almost) would cease to exist... unless of course the answer to the question is something worse than the unknown in which case... that would be unfortunate... ^^ Let's just hope it's not.

  2. What is the ultimate question to life if the answer is 42?

  3. ...what time is it...

    ...thanks for asking...

  4. what are all the answers to all the questions that exists?

  5. when will i die? or whos my prince charming? either one, i'll think about it. lol

  6. How do I make sure my kids grow up to be happy, healthy adults?

  7. It would have to be "Where is osama Bin Laden hiding?"

  8. Will the sun rise tomorrow?

    It will be seen somewhere

  9. what question should I ask?  That would be my question

  10. Who was the one who gave the Gettysburg Address .( < Lincoln Hancock> )

  11. how did  life start from the very beginning.

  12. "Why am I here?"

    Humans are so intrigued by finding their purpose in life that thousands of religions have sprouted from this basic question. Supposedly, once we find the answer to this question and we finish our task in life, we will be complete and will be happy (in theory).  

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