
If you could ask both candidates a question face to face in front of a national audience?

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What would your question be? My questions would be: 1) To McCain-Was your choice to pick a woman as VP a last ditch effort to stop the forward motion of the Obama campain? and 2) To Obama- Why did it take you so long to denounce Rev. Wright after his anti-American remarks?

What would you ask?




  1. to obama: if your wife was preggo would you let her get an abortion?                          To Mccain: havent American soldiers suffered enough?

  2. McCain,

    What do you plan to do with the middle east.

    same for Obama, but I would have a map and a laser pointer.

  3. I'd inject Palin with truth serum and ask her if that last kid was hers or her daughters!  That alone should derail those liberals.

    I'd ask Obama what kind of champagne he wants waiting at the White House.

    VERY GOOD are too intelligent for this forum.  Keep up the good work!!!

  4. McCain: How do you justify voting with Bush 90% of the time in the last seven years and how does that square with the way you portray yourself as independent/a maverick?

    Obama:  When are you going to start getting tough on McCain?

  5. my questions would be....why do you think you are messiah.tell me one great messiah like thing you have done this would be to obama of course...and to mccain ...why did you pick palin..was it because the dems didnt have hillary be the vp candidate and you thought it would look great if you offered her supporters a woman to vote for or was she truly the best "man" for the job in your eyes

  6. I am not sure.  I think I would ask Obama why he didn't choose Hillary for VP and I would ask McCain why he picked Palin.  Both men screwed up in my opinion and I am curious to know about their motivations.

  7. I would ask each of them to outline their defence plans.. then I would listen to McCain talk about his... then I would listen to Obama babble about his.. for I would not allow him his teleprompter..

    Ha Ha

  8. I would ask Obama since he blames everything on the "failed policies of the Bush administration" what specific policies of the Bush administration caused high gas prices, and what would you do different?

    I would ask McCain, when do you think we might be able to leave Iraq with victory?

  9. To McCain: Do you ever get tired of being so awesome and totallly kicking @ss?

    To Obama: How can you represent change when you have such a strong record of voting the party line?

  10. 1.  Obama - If I were to attend KKK rallies for over 20 years, and hang out with the Grand Wizard (or whatever the leader is called), then run for president and claim that I only believed the "God fearin' " part they talked about...would you believe me?      --- and for you who say that the TUCC is not like the KKK, TUCC was founded on the Black Liberation Theology of James Cone who makes the KKK look like altar boys.

    2.   McCain...What part of illegal do you not understand in the term "Illegal Immigrants"?

    Zoe...I can answer your questions because with regard to your questions, they both made good choices.

    Obama did not pick Hillary for a couple of reasons.  1.  Michelle would not have allowed it.  She cannot stand Hillary, and he would not have gone against her on this one.  2.  (More importantly)...Obama has a lot of haters.  Hillary has a lot of haters, and the majority are not the same people.  The so called "dream ticket" would have been a nightmare for Obama, and he might have lost the largest margin in history.

    McCain certainly picked a woman to get some of the female votes, but he also picked a strong conservative because many republicans do not think McCain is conservative enough.  Plus, she has a history of taking on big oil and special interests.  Finally, only an idiot would attack her on her experience because she has more than the way, yes, I did just call Obama an idiot.  How ignorant to attack a VP candidate for lack of experience when she has more than the dems Presidential candidate.

    After additional thought....Would they be allowed a teleprompter?  If not, I would ask Obama a yes or no question so that he could get through the answer without a barage of uhs, ahs, ums, etc.

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