
If you could ask the vice presidental candidates the first question at the first debate?

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what would you ask them?




  1. My question would go to Gov Palin and it would be who are you and what do you think you are bringing to this election

  2. My first question would be to Palin : " who the h**l are you. i still dont know who you are. do you really think hunting for moose is going to solve the economy?"

  3. Iraq...ever hear of it?

  4. I would ask:

    "If the president ask you what he should do to about the high oil and energy prices, what would you say?"

  5. Why are you running for this office, and what makes you think you are a fit candidate? By that, I mean what personal gratification will it bring you, and why? I wouldn't want to hear all the airy-fairy 'doing it for the good of my country' or other pie in the sky responses, just an honest answer and a self-assessment of their capabilities.  

  6. Given that Mis Congeniality put a windfall profits tax on the oil companies in Alaska, what is wrong with implementing that policy on a national level, like Obama suggested?

  7. Sen. Biden,

    What makes you feel qualified to be VP when Hillary got 18 million votes in the Primary and you only got 8,000?????????????????

  8. My question:  Why don't we just forget the whole thing and call Palin the winner?

    McCain-Palin '08

  9. what brand of lip stick do you wear? and can I have your autograph?

  10. What is your plan economically and how will you help the president to carry out their plans in terms of the economy?  

  11. Briefs, or boxers?

  12. Biden: During the primaries you said Obama was not qualified to be president. What happened in the last few months that suddenly made him acceptable?  

  13. Are you going to prosecute Bush for war crimes against humanity?

  14. Biden, were you lying when you said BHO wasn't qualified to be president or are you lying after becoming his vice president prick?

    McCain/Palin '08

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