
If you could axe three olympic events/sports, which ones would you choose and if you can give reasons why?

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If you could axe three olympic events/sports, which ones would you choose and if you can give reasons why?




  1. none

  2. Football, Tennis, and Synchronised Swimming.



    Has the World Cup, and I feel that its inclusion in the Olympics devalues the games as an Olympic Gold is not the highest achievement in the sport.  The best players are also paid a lot as professionals and you won't be able to say the same thing about the fencers, archers, and all but the elite athletes.


    Largely for the same reasons as football.  But now the players are apparently ranked on how they do at the Olympics, suddenly Olympic Tennis is important to them.  I find it more than a little cynical.

    Synchronised Swimming

    Just pips Rhythmic Gymnastics (not to be confused with the 'artistic' gymnastics though) to the number 3 spot, as I feel Rhythmic Gymnastics requires a little bit more athletic ability.  Not sure how the best choreography fits in with the "faster, higher, stronger" Olympic  ethos.

  3. haha have you seen that game i think its called handball .... its like soccer and basketball put together but you use your hands instead .... i thought that it looked like a really stupid event .... i would axe that fo sho!!!

  4. Synchronized diving and swimming and baseball.  Why?  Because the first two are more aesthetic than athletic and require instant replay to judge, and baseball is so full of pro athletes that the idea of amateur seems to have faded away.

  5. 1.

    i would axe fencing because i think it is boring.


    I would axe water polo because it is pretty weird and not as fun as the other sports to watch.


    Well i like the rest of the sports but probably weight lifting because it is really slow and dangerous

  6. Softball : not a very popular game, no history in the Olympics historic

    Diving : ranking based on judges ratings

    Synchronized swimming : ranking based on judges ratings

    Judge ratings can lead to corruption (see Figure Skating) and should be avoided.


  7. tennis

    synchronised swimming

    synchronised diving

  8. so called sports,  beach volleyball, horrible,  tennis, i love the game but not in Olympics, and idiot synchronised  swimming

  9. syncronized swimming - yep really wana watch legs.

    Yachting - I sat watching a man watching the water and every now n then let a rope go and switch sides oh how exciting.

    Walking race - Idk probably because they are really running and its boring.

    That was pretty hard really.....

  10. Three Day Eventing : No other event uses another animal, and it's difficult to say whether it's the horse or the rider who's responsible for winning

    Greco-Roman wrestling : I just don't like watching it

    Basketball : I wouldn't necessarily axe it, but I would like it to be amateur (no NBA players)

  11. gymnastics - then perhaps all this constant winging would stop

    Softball and beach volleyball - pointless sports.

    Perhaps to add in rugby and squash in their place.

  12. I'd axe events that are based on a judges opinion, I think they're unfair and can be easily biased.

    1) Dressage - WTF is it doing in the olympics

    2) Syncronised swimming - its basically a show of teeth in water

    3) Diving - the scores between the judges fluctuate so much it can't be fair (I mean how can one judge give it a 6 and another give it a 10)

    I'd like to see rugby sevens, 20twenty cricket, and pool/snooker as olympic events.

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