
If you could be God (or a god) for just one week?

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If you could rule the universe for one week, what would you change or do? I would position a small sun by Neptune to warm it up and have an interstellar g*y night club and lounge there. Also I would make Cheetos mandatory in all school menus on Earth (and elsewhere).




  1. I would declare that their is no god and that worshiping a god or believing in any religion is foolish and shuld be abandonded, then resign from my position immediatly because religion is hindering the advancement of the human race through pre-concieved notions of how the universe works

  2. I would destroy it all.

  3. I'd go up to every person and say, "That's not what I meant!  Just LOVE each other!!!"

  4. i would send all the terrorists to h**l. then make world peace. and make everybody blue so we cant descriminate on color.

  5. have s*x with every hot man on the earth and make evrybody laove YA also join u in making your g*y bar oh and meet everybody how has ever left a comment on my yahoo questions (why not)  

  6. I'd try to end hunger and bring along world peace but knowing me I'd mess it up and end up accidentally blowing up the moon instead. :(

    Maybe I'd  just make myself a sandwich.  

  7. I'm glad you chose the interstellar g*y club to be located by Neptune and not Uranus :P

    If I were God for a week, I'd re-design the duck-billed platypus, since He was obviously drinking when He put it together :D

  8. make everyone speak one language, more tolerant, wipe the borders of all countries and just wipe the whole idea of making them ever again, stop people from dying because of lack of food/water/etc by giving it to them, make terrorists pay for their actions and make a tree that produces a lot of different flavored ice creams (well even gods can have their little addictions:P)... ohh, and ofc bring back all the extinct animals (well, not dinosaurs probably, hehe) and put another little continent in pacific ocean, which would be like one huge peaceful garden... oh, and of course destroy all weapons (but there would be selection, obviously, since almost everything can be used as a weapon)

  9. I'd make straight marriage illegal :O!


    Actaully I have no idea what I would do.

    I'd lower the age limits on some things though.

  10. id rewrite the seriously needs an update.

  11. kill everyone. fix the planet like it was before we f*cked it up. then continue to create adam & eve along with adam & steve(n) and eve & whatsherface. no more excuses ppl. ha.

  12. End all wars...

    Find a cure for all diseases...

    Rid the world of religious fundamentalism ( be it Christianity, Judaism or Islam)

    End communism and all dictatorships

    and on less serious note, anyone using a cellphone in a store and/or restaurant line or anyone walking and texting would disintegrate into thin air.

  13. i would create other planets with other inteligent species and i would create magic... make anythig possible

    i know its a freaky answer but i guess its more like a god than most other answers XDXD

  14. I would sit down with the leaders of all faiths and demand that they stop judging people in my name.  

  15. I would make Fred Phelps SOOO g*y, Richard Simmons would make fun of him!!!  :@)

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