
If you could be a God/Goddess?

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If you could be a God/Goddess, what would you be the God of, and why, and what would be your name?




  1. Goddess of Uniqueness.

    I'm not afraid to be who I am, no matter how strange, no matter my quirks, and that's what people say they like best about me.

    My name would be Kagera.

  2. I would be the God of Invincibility & Immortality.  I would be called "The Eternal One".

  3. I don't think I would be. Too much responsibility. xP

  4. I would be the God of Truth. My name would be Agadore Spartacus.

  5. i would be andrew

    the conquer i would be able to not die and make spears out of my arm

  6. I'd be called lenissa

    and i'd be the goddess of clumsiness and forgetfulness and most importantly ...bad cooking/burnt food

    i think that was suit me just right

  7. Meh, too much work. No thanks.  Unless it was god of Chaos, Intrigue, or the Mind.

  8. I would be the god of power Olaf

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