
If you could be able to know the complete truth about...?

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Just one of these,which would you choose? A)Ghosts.(Why they are around after death)? B)Alien life.(What planets they live on)? C)Crop circles.(How,and why they form)? D)Crypto-creatures.(Where they come from,why they come here)? E)Bermuda Triangle.(Why ships and boats have disappeared there)?




  1. I have to say B) Alien life.I already know the complete truth about the rest.I found out years ago.


  3. I just can't choose one only. :-) Because, I think C,D and E may possibly be interconnected in some esoteric, paranormal way.  So, I'd like to know the "complete truth" about those three.

  4. a tough one because I've always been curious about all of them. I would probably say C) crop circles. Are they real or a hoax? If they are real, what causes them?

  5. I might know why some of the few ships vanished in Bermuda.^_^ Coal ships specially.

  6. Are you writing a book or something? you like these multiple answer questions.

    Ok, honestly, all these things are hoaxes and imagination.

    However, ill choose B) Alien Life.

    Because there could be aliens somewhere, however, on thier own planet they would be natives, they are only aliens when they come here.

  7. Easy, B) Alien life and where it is. All the rest could have very boring answers and be just sensory defects. But, if you point to a place in the sky and say we know that they were there at one time that would be cool beyond belief.

  8. Well, let me see...

    We already know all the thruth about Bermuda Triangle and I'm not talking about only a theory.

    Crop circles: if the answer is "all human activity" I'll do nothing with it.

    Cryptocreatures: like for crop circles.

    Ghosts / alien life: it should be very interesting, but usefull.

    Infact if you only "know the complete truth about..." without proofs what can you do with it? Only get anger with anyone doesn't believe you.

    I guess it's better for now not knowing anything, unless we ALL know it.

    PETER D you "do not" know all the truth about aliens. You only know human never had evidence for them, but you don't actually know if they exist in the hole universe!

  9. I *do* know the complete truth about all of those phenomena.

    a.) There is no evidence that ghosts exist.  Furthermore, with all the hoaxes and other scientific explanations, there are plenty of indications that ghosts don't or can't exist.

    b.) With the sheer number of solar systems in the universe, the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial aliens is pretty high.  However, that huge number of systems decreases the chance that if there were any aliens that they would know about us.  Also, consider the immense distances they would need to cover.  We would be harder to find than a needle in a haystack.  It would be more like a needle in the ocean.

    c.) Crop circles are a hoax.  The original hoaxsters have come forward to admit this.  Although they may be beautiful and complex designs, there is nothing to suggest they were created by extraterrestrial beings.  There is nothing more to this.  Oh, and the hoaxsters ruin thousands of dollars in crops each year.

    d.) There is *no* good evidence of Bigfoot, Yeti, the Lock Ness Monster, etc.  The current body of evidence consists of things like footprints (which are easily faked) and unreliable video footage (which is susceptible to fakery and misinterpretation).

    e.) The ships and planes have disappeared at the same rate in the Bermuda Triangle as they have in any other high traffic area.  This myth probably wouldn't exist but for the disappearance of the Navy training mission.  That event has been documented without the need for supernatural events having taken place.

  10. Who says I don't already know?

  11. I already know everything, but if I shared it, I would be killed

  12. I know all the answers seriously ask me one Ill give you the answer - email if you dont believe me btw I can prove this

  13. Ghosts, they are real Ma'am.

  14. A) ghosts.

    I've had a few experiences with ghosts & 'phenomana', & realy would like to learn more. (though i don't trust what is shown on tv 'cos that's very likly to be faked.)

  15. Only one of your choices has any foundation in reality. If you believe in evolution, do you think that such an "accident" could happen only once in such a vast universe?

    Likewise if you are a Creationist. Would God only populate one planet out of the multitudes that must exist?

    While the Bermuda Triangle technically exists (due to arbitrary lines drawn on a map), it is merely a heavily traveled body of water. Accidents happen. There are many other spots in the world with higher accident rates, however most are in shallower water, or closer to land, so survival rate and thus eye witness reports are greater.

    If you notice, there is never much made in the media of people who have had accidents within the confines of the "Triangle" and survived.

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