
If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

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  1. Manbearpig so i can strike fear into Al Gore.

  2. Definately a pegasis so I could fly over rainbows and pick up some hot unicornes and take them back to my crib.  lol

  3. African Rock Python. Up to 33 feet (in Angola in the 1920's). Very strong. It is light brown and dark brown and looks a little like a Burmese python or even reticulated python. Third largest, but Africa. Nile crocodiles, lions, hippos, elephants, rhinos.

  4. A bird- so I can $hit on everyone that ever $hit on me! LOL!

  5. Homo sapiens.  Because that is the animal I am, cant be anything else.

  6. i would be a wolverine or a polar bear. they look cool.

  7. Easiest question in the world. Peregrine Falcon. I mean... how awesome would it be to fly 240mph???

  8. Shaw's jird, a rodent that can have s*x more than 100 times an hour.

  9. a cat, so i could be lazy

  10. I would be a cat because my personality is mostly like them and they sleep i think and average 8-11 hours a day so that would be pretty awesome and they're lazy, yet lovable! :)

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