
If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?

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If you could be any animal, which would you be and why?




  1. Tiger. Rise above all.

  2. one of my cats...they are spoiled

  3. An eagle... because then I could fly and I would be bad ***.

  4. Id be a bird because you can fly where ever you want

  5. Lion...king of the jungle

  6. a bird.  you have access to the land and sky.

  7. A humpback whale I think it d be cool to Cruise the ocean...and have a blowhole in the back of your head...

  8. my dog...

    she is fat, free to go where ever she wants,

    she is in a neigborhood full of other dogs,

    she gets free food and drink....

    that is the life!

  9. A tiger

    Reason: They are cool looking and can tear a human inside out.

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