
If you could be any object what would you be?

by Guest31602  |  earlier

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Explain why please. I would be a rainbow because the different colours are my different emotions.




  1. A Falcon

    The very nature of these birds fascinates me....they are really majestic in nature, swift , strong and that feeling of total freedom when flying must be astounding.

  2. Toilet

  3. A mountain - just to see the world fade away around me

  4. A lift [elevator for our US cousins]

    As life would be as up & down as now.  But I would always be taking people where they want to go.

  5. I would be a pen. Free-flowing expressive and is used to express words thoughts feelings idea's and emotions.

  6. I'd like to be an eagle with sharp vision.They are swift, they soar rather than flap their wings compared to other birds. They soar over storms. They are beautiful and majestic birds, that nest in high places such as moutains.

    In the bible eagles are a symbol of God's judgement.  

  7. water. i get to travel to a bunch of places. i just hope no one would drink me...

  8. Wind, invisable yet powerful or playful

  9. a mango.

    oh i do love it!!!!!!!!

  10. A diamond - it's forever!

  11. I would be a pillow because for some odd reason i'm always comforting my friends.

  12. i would be my wives brains the entire span of their knowledge would be mine just so i can know how to pleasure them in what ever form they would let me

    it would also help me know them better and be for them at all times they needed me the good and the bad

    i love you all  

  13. a water molecule

  14. Pure spirit, for it resides everywhere+

    And that is my final answer+

  15. i would be a .. computer... maybe.. umm.. nope i would be just me hahahaha

  16. A Courgette.

  17. A stone in in a river. unmoving in a placid landscape, slowly being worn and carried away by the current.

    It just appeals to me.

  18. a d***o hahaha

  19. a pair of very hot guys pants

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