
If you could be any other race of people what would you be?

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I was gonna say what specific physical attributes but this is more interesting becasue of compromise. No mixed races, only pure, like pure Aryan, Pure Irish, Pure japanese,Chinese, Mexican ( i know but be reasonable) African, Aborigine, Native American.What would it be?I would want to be a druid or celt. With brown hair and green eyes, also tall and muscular with a full beard.Also maybe Indian (from india) because of good culture and women.But I think ancinet druid culture was good too. This can also be a time period thing if you want.




  1. Martian, but not the skulls from Mars Attacks, More like Uncle Martin from My Favourite Matian.

    Only I would have made that saucer fly me out of here!


    Much later:

    Actually I am pretty happy with what I am, English / Irish / Scottish / Dutch

  2. Seraphim, wouldn't you?

    Edit: What makes you think Seraphim are mythological?

  3. A Klingon Warrior

  4. I did not know that Irish or Mexican was a race mmmh expalins alot though

  5. First of all, the idea of a pure race is fundamentally flawed, we're all mixed due to repeated migrations, wars, etc (read some history, you will see this is the case all over). Also, a druid is a a person practicing an ancient  religion of Britain, it is not an ethnic group per se. Insofar as I know, not all members of the community were allowed to become druids, there were some pretty daunting initiation rituals, some of which could be fatal.

    If I could be something else I might like to be Japanese or maybe Scandinavian (Danish/Norwegian). Or perhaps  Maori. Or maybe French. I dunno.

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