
If you could be any other race what would it be and why?

by Guest56264  |  earlier

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If you could be any other race what would it be and why?




  1. I just rather be Black. I don't have any reason to be another race; I mean, seriously, it doesn't matter.

  2. I'd stay black. But really, I would love to be light blue. LOL!  

  3. I would be Latino.  I think Latino women are beautiful, and the ones I know are less uptight than most white women.  (just my opinion)

  4. Japanese- they are awesome and the longest-lived people on Earth.

  5. i'm happy with who i am, but if i could experience being from another country for like a week i would have to say indian, the women are beautiful, and i love their culture,  

  6. Well I like who I am at the moment but maybe Asian because they have s**y eyes.

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