
If you could be any type of cookie, what type would it be?

by Guest60753  |  earlier

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b creative! :D




  1. oatmeal/pecan/raisin with a tall glass of ice cold milk. or macadamia/white chocolate chunk with the milk.

  2. I don't want to be a cookie.  People eat cookies and then the cookie is dead.  

    Those commercials for cookies where all the little cookies are riding along in the car and someone keeps grabbing one out till they're all gone always make me sad.  Poor little cookies are riding along in the sun, having fun with the top down and then someone starts picking them off one by one.  I feel so bad for them.

  3. I'd be a white frosted sugar cookie so that you can l**k me first and then plunge in for the real treat! :D

  4. triple chocolate cookie with bits of fudge in it.mmmmmmmmmmm............

  5. an m&m cookie cause i would be colorful and happy

  6. okay

    gooey chocolate chip cookie with blue frosting in top

    and on top of the frosting there would be more frosting (yellow) in the shape of a guitar!


    i bet i'd taste pretty good

  7. 5 differant chocolates all melted together on top of a doubel chocolate chip cookie with a little bit of whiped cream on top

  8. An oreo thats been dipped in milk

  9. sugarr!!

  10. Eaten, cause that meant somebody loved me!

  11. This is as idiotic as the question about what color crayon you'd be in one of those "email this to others and back to me" questionnaires.

  12. chocalote chip and macadian nuts

  13. Oatmeal Raisin :)  Or, for something really unique, one of those custom cookies you make at Goofy's Candy Co. in Downtown's a gingerbread Mickey cookie and you put any topping on it you want...I like to get white chocolate, butterfingers, and snickers on get to be creative with your cookie and express yourself in a way :)

  14. a fortune cookie

  15. sugar, cause im sugar sweet!


  16. I love a basic lemon, butter or sugar cookie. These cookies are so delicious.

  17. white chocolate macadamia nut :)

  18. sugar cookie. because i'm sweet and round.

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