
If you could be any type of doctor that only required 8 years of school, which doctor would you be?

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I already know I want to go into the medical field and I know I only want to do like 8 years of college, but I want to be a doctor that makes money. I was thinking dentist or optometrist but everyone keeps saying I could do something better. what is you guys opions?




  1. If you're in the States, it's awful hard to make a lot of money in medicine.  4 years college, 4 years med school and many more years depending on which specialty you like (you'll be working very hard during residency and be making peanuts).

    If the world were my oyster and I could make tons of money and complete college, med school, training in 8 years, I'd be a plastic surgeon.

  2. All doctor's "make money", first of all. And if you only want to do 8 year of college you could be any type of doctor that you want to be. If you want to be a Medical Doctor, you're going to have to end up doing a couple years of Residency before you can practice on your own though. I'm not too sure about Dentist's or Optometrist's. Keep in mind though, going into medical fields such as these requires very much work, and you should be deciding on your own what you want to be and not having to ask other people.......

    BTW: Neurologist.

  3. do whatever YOU want. don't worry about what other people say. if it's what YOU'RE interested in then go for it!!

  4. Think long and hard about WHY you want to be a doc.  If it is for the money, prestige, power, etc. DON'T DO IT.  YOU'LL BE MISERABLE AND A CRAPPY DOCTOR.  If you enjoy helping people, the technical aspects (surgery, chemistry, etc.) then it may be a good fit.  Best idea is to see if you can spend some time with different specialists and/or professors (M.D.s) to talk about some of the different aspects and challenges.  For me, if I were to be a doc, it would be a plastic surgeon as the hours seem better, the pay is good, and you seem to have fewer of the issues that make life really miserable for some in the profession.  Good luck.

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