
If you could be anywhere in the world at any time with anyone?

by  |  earlier

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Where would you like to be, when and with who? I would like to be my present age, 25, exploring the islands of Greece with my boyfriend... or Brad Pitt (when he played the character of Achilles in Troy) haha!




  1. i will like to go back to India wifh my lover!

  2. at home here with my children no where id rather be

  3. Talking and learning from Abraham Lincoln during the depths of the Civil War.

  4. I`d be back at the beach of Bali, Indonesia with my boyfriend, where we were last year. That was the most romantic moment in my life.

  5. I would like to be on a beach with a tropical drink, no cell phone or internet, with the guy that I am currently trying to win over!

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