
If you could be in charge of your country for one day?

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And could pass one law, what would it be?




  1. make my dads jokes illegal

  2. No VAT on fuel, utilities, meals and s*x.

  3. to let scientists GET ON WITH PROGRESS AND STOP RELIGION GETTING IN THE ............ WAY.

  4. ban smoking

  5. Easy.  I would put an end to the slaughter of unborn babies.

  6. I would change the name of New Zealand. I don't even know what a "Zea" is anyway, and where is "Old Zealand?"

  7. Start a boot camp on an Island somewhere that will help discipline chavs and neds. There would be an education element that could serve towards apprenticeships that would be a recognised qualification.

    It would hopefully prevent future crimes and stop people thinking that being on the dole is some sort of achievment

  8. I might just ban ugly shoes. I know it wouldn't change the world, but I only have a day and it would certainly make me happier!

  9. Withdraw from the EU - immediately.

  10. To let all homeless people live in unoccupied homes until they sell, if they promise to not trash the place :-)

  11. Summarily execute:

    1-All prisoners found guilty of murder, rape and molestation

    2-All Communists and Socialists

    3-All Illegal Aliens

    4-Alldrug dealers and users

    Just think what a nice country we will have once all the bodies are burned.

  12. leagalise everything and bring the crime rate down to zero

    oh come on, thats funny is it not?

  13. I would pass a very long prison-reform/




    repeal-of-the -patriot-act

    bill.  it would probably include some other provisions but i can't think of any more now.

  14. No taxes for everything

  15. Give myself and all retired military a 600% pay raise and make all military retired pay tax free forever. Cut the pay of all Senators and Congressmen to $500 a month, remove their use of military health care facilities (they should serve to help America, not get rich). Make it an immediate death penalty for any public servant taking bribes or misusing their authority.  They would be placed into a burlapsack with rabid animals and poison snakes then sealed up and thrown into the nearest deep river.

  16. I'd end property taxes for individuals. You buy a home or car, and it belongs to you forever until you decide to sell it. No confiscating land and homes and cars because someone doesn't pay the taxes and fees on it. That you paid the principle and interest for years should be enough!

  17. People are giving answers to something that would not be realistic.

    Instead, I would get on TV and say or do something out of the ordinary that is uplifting that would give the people of our nation and the world something to remember.

    Why, you may ask.

    Because when you turn on your tv at this moment, what do you see? Nothing but garbage in my opinion.

    So why not say or do something decent instead.


  18. Leagilize Prostitution

  19. the law would to bring the price of petrol down to below £1 and never increase it again everyone can just about manage then, now its a joke and the government are loaded. within that law the government has to return all the money taxed on fuel and distribute it equally to each petrol station so if they feel they can lower price even more then they can!!!!!

    i have also got more laws!!! but i hate politics coz the people who run this country uk are only interested in the money and not the people and that is no way to run any country!!!

  20. well im in aus

    and everyone has been complaining about the rise in petrol prices


    i would tax them higher

    with an eco tax

    like 5% more

    and the money would go directly to funing enviromentaly friendly alternatives and public transport.

  21. Cigarettes are outlawed, and anyone who sells them will be put in jail for life.

    I know that they're trying to make a living, but people who sell cigarettes are indirectly killing people.

    Cigarettes are disgusting. 2nd hand smoke is just as bad, if not worse than smoking the cigarette yourself. I hate when smoke comes in my face on the street.

    I hate to see people die by the minute because of lung cancer, and because of cigarette use.

  22. a law that says i can pass as many laws as i want without being a political figure

  23. why bother it takes up to 6 months to be made into law , and whoever took over after you (labour , conservatives etc) would only repeal it

  24. wow.. I do not think that would be very likely but I would...

    I would "make poverty history"

    Could you imagine if you had no food, water, no hot showers everyday. You could not earn a living? People around you wer dying everyday and you could be next?

    That is how people in poverty are feeling. They are humans like us but are so poor they can not even have a meal set before them.

    I would definitely wipe out all traces of poverty and my law would be that everyone has to support 'making poverty history' in some way or another. eg: donation, volunteer work etc.

  25. abolish inheritance tax!

  26. Renationalise everything that Thatcher privatised - gas, electric, rail, buses, water, the lot. We're now paying the price for her obsession with private enterprise.

    And legalise abortion and contraception worldwide.

  27. Give Scotland their complete Independence and make them free of the English and Welsh taxpayer!As Alex Salmond is alleged to have said!"One Cross less on the Union Flag!One Cross the English and Welsh taxpayer have to bear!

  28. Enact a law that would lead to Scottish independence inside of two years.

  29. Abolish private schools

    That way the rich and influential would be forced to send their children to state schools which would raise the standard for all.

  30. In one bill, I would remove any and all entitlement programs from illegals, while punishing SEVERELY those who employ illegals, and revamping welfare to reward, (rather than punish as it currently does) those who work to improve their financial situation.

    This would eliminate the illegal immigration invasions because if you take away 100% of their reason to be here, they would go home (do not believe me, check out those towns who have done that)

    It would reduce welfare because many who are on welfare would go to work.

    It would increase tax revenues because workers would be actually paying taxes, rather than milking off of the system.

    Wages would increase because illegals would not be available, so employers would have to pay a better wage to attract workers (I am amazed that liberals are not for the increase in wages)

    So, the economy would thrive.

    Lenny...that is backwards and would take the poor standards of our public education down even lower.  President Bush's idea of school vouchers would have created competition, by allowing choices and giving poor students the opportunity to attend private school.  Therefore, if the public system wanted money, they would have to increase their standards.  You abolish private schools, and public schools would have more of a monopoly than they do now, and they would have ZERO STANDARDS to live up to, and that is the standard that they would hit.

  31. First thing - create four more public holidays here in UK to be enjoyed by everyone.





    The Monday following the birth date of all the above British and Irish saints, to be classified as a public holiday to be enjoyed by everyone here in UK no matter what. . . .end of argument. . . .and anyone who does not agree with me can jolly well buzz off. . . .

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