
If you could be the President of the United States, which problems would you address and how?

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If you could be the President of the United States, which problems would you address and how?




  1. 1. ENFORCE illegal immigration/block borders.. STOP the FREEBIES.. immediately stop the anchor baby law

    2. reform the entire welfare system. Those that really need it would get it and would get help getting off it.. which means funding would be provided for them to go to school, or job training, or whatever. Those who are abusing it, get severely, severely punished. The fines collected from the abusers will help pay for the funds for job training for those on it.

    3. I would pass somehow do something to these women that continue to get pregnant just to get assistance. don't know what yet, but something needs to be done. It's not fair to cut off assistance because that's making the kids suffer because the mother screws the system and the kids are innocent.

    4. close down a lot of offices and programs that are now a waste of govt money. a lot of programs could be added to other programs and save a lot of money and manpower hours..

  2. there is nothing the Pres can do without the consent of Congress.

    now if i were KING or a dictator i would:

    --outlaw abortion

    --seal the borders

    --round up and deport all illegals

    --dissolve NAFTA

    --dissolve the IRS and income taxes: institute a flat tax on purchases instead (on both businesses and individuals)

    --dissolve all entitlement benefits/programs except for old age SS (for which i would raise the age for collecting) and disability.

    --privatize K-12 education

    --change the legal age of consent to 21 (including enlistment in the military & marriage)

    --expand the military, raise miltary pay

    --shrink the govt

    for starters

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