
If you could be whomever you want to be...whom would you be?

by  |  earlier

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I would love to be the Pirate Captain Jack have always wanted to be a pirate




  1. If i had to be any other imperfect human being, then i would be the same imperfect human being that i am now, & maybe do some modifications to improve myself .... but if i REALLY had 2 choose some one, then i would be Angelina Jolie, i love acting, i would love to be as pretty as some one like that & i love the fact that she likes charity & is the good will ambassador... other than that *ahem* she's married to some one not that bad =P

  2. Can u ask easier questions sweetie?

    I don't know...maybe Zorro.

  3. me with more freedom

  4. I'd still want to be me because I like me...but if I had to choose I'd probably be the first teen girl rapper like lil momma or something cause that's the life that I want to live...and I would always be remembered for the great things that I would do!

    Answer my question;...

  5. Still me. ;-) It's not that I'm the greatest human being who ever lived; it's that I know each of offer something and is something the world has never seen before or will see again.

    But okay, I'll play...

    For a week, I'd want to be in Leonardo da Vinci's shoes or Rembrandt's.

  6. An Ant Eater.

  7. I would be a rap, rock and pop artist but still me.

  8. Aragorn son of Arathorn, King of Gondor

  9. mickey mouse.

  10. ......Peter North.....most girls love and adore him......lolz

  11. UN Secretary General and eliminate veto powers and be fair and just to each and every member country............

  12. Myself........with more time to live for making more things.

  13. I would be Angelina Jolie she's loaded-she is a great humanitarian-She is a Mommy to like a zillion kids-she is married to Brad Pitt and she is a HOTTIE

  14. id just be someone who speaks arabic better it bothers me so much that i cant speak it well enough and that i freeze up when i am talking to people that i wanna be making a good impression infront of, so i would just rather be anyoen who speaks perfect arabic

  15. super Woman :P

  16. i cant be whomever i want to be coz if am who i want to be its not me its whomever i want to be . :P

  17. for a lifetime ..myself

    for a day? alyson stoner or selena gomez

  18. I always held T. E. Lawrence ( Lawrence of Arabia ) as a modern day hero & admired not just his ability & courage but the way he was a man of principal.

    The way he turned his back on the British establishment when they renegged on their deal with the Arab nations & died in total obscurity under an assumed name showed true depth of character.

    If I could be as principalled as that I would be happy...

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