
If you could become pure energy and could travel at the speed of light where would you go in the universe?

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If you could become pure energy and could travel at the speed of light where would you go in the universe?




  1. does this include the ability to transverse into different plains or dimensions? Then I'd probably visit heaven and h**l.

  2. B&Q - i need to get some paint.

  3. Bradford Yorkshire

  4. Id go to every planet and set up camp. Then move on to other galaxys and invade these stupid ET's... Then "PHONE HOME" now and then.. then move up and conqure pluto and see if i can touch the pearly gates only to find im being chased by metorites. lol.

  5. There's no place like home.

  6. To go through a massive black hole in the centre of the galaxy.

  7. Orion nebula, I'd like to see the start being born there.

  8. Only light travels in the speed of light, so I would go in a straight line until I am hit with an obstacle to scatter myself and continue further and repeat the same process again and again until I am useless enough like darkness. :-)

    So I will reach no where :-)

  9. uranus

  10. Jordan Knights (nkotb) bedroom . ...................x..........xx.x

  11. Everywhere and nowhere ..time STOPS at the speed of light :-)

    So it takes you no time at all to get where-ever you like ... but then you have no time at all to appreciate it :-)

  12. One of the first places would be the horsehead nebula. Then many other places. I would seek intelligent life to see if we are alone

  13. I would stay within our solar system.

    Even at the speed of light it would take 4.4 years to reach the nearest star to our sun. Being just energy, nothing could break the boredom during the trip. Even a trip to Neptune would take over 5 hours.

  14. WIGAN, cos Wigan rocks!!!! Go Wigan.

  15. i'll go to your house to see you

  16. celtic park




  17. I would go to the end of time and the universe..infinity~

    and touch the face of GOD

  18. wherever physics dictated that I should go, I mean I wouldn't care, i'd just be energy.

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