
If you could breed 2 purebreds?

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if you could breed 2 purebreds together for a desired effect or purpose what would they be? personally, if i were knowledgable and experienced about breeding, it would be Goldens and Border collies. my very first rescue, about 20 yrs ago, was this mix. he was incredibly intelligent (graduated top of his class of 16 in obedience, and 3rd and 5th in the advanced and retriever classes after), he would herd as well as retrieve. of course i got him neutered though.

and for any who don't know me, i rescue mutts and they are ALL spayed and neutered.

i also think that until a new breed is well established, proven and recognized by the AKC etc, the pups shouldn't be SOLD, but adopted out (adopt. fee) or given away.

so which 2 would you breed? and what would the purpose be?

(yeah. i got into it with a woman at the vets the other day. she let her am. staff breed with a chow. now she doesn't know what to do with the 7 pups. all because she doesn't believe in spaying)




  1. Until AKC reconises??  they are just a registry.  while I personally wouldnt mix breeds for my persobal reasons,  I completely defend this womans right to breed her dog to whatever dog she chooses to breed to. It is her choice, not yours , or mine.  

  2. German Shepherd with a beagle to make a rescue dog. I don't know how well it would turn out, but the ideal dog that it would produce would be a smallish dog with a good nose, easily trainable and intelligent, with a good working drive. Of course the chances a pup like that would be produced on the first litter would be little to none.

  3. I would breed German shepherds with rough collies.

    My farm dog growing up was a shepherd/collie mix.  Not only was he gorgeous, he was smart as a whip, and had I been old enough or knew enough, I would have gotten him into agility, competitive obedience, anything that would have showed off his smarts and ability.

  4. I'd never make a mutt on purpose :) actually, I'd never help to make new puppies on purpose unless there're no filled up shelters.

    To answer your question: I'd breed a maltese with.....a poodle providing I'll have: the maltese appeal, the poodle intelligence, the maltese character and nothing more from the poodle :)

  5. Sheltie with a border collie... What a smart combination!

  6. chhrested...I think what Isis was trying to say doesn't have much to do with this woman breeding two dogs together, but the idea that she bred them without any sort of knowledge or a plan for AFTER the puppies were born.  It's just irresponsible and when it threatens the lives of dogs, it might not become our choice, but it DOES pose a problem for people like Isis who choose to rescue dogs that people bred inappropriately.  And if the animal lovers and rescuers of the world DON'T speak up and try to make a change then the animal population would spiral even MORE out of control.  Isn't that how changes are made in this world?  Enough people continue to speak up until it reaches those who can possibly DO something about it?  It is the job of Isis and people like her to educate those who are either uninformed or misinformed and, depending on how she went about it, she had a right to say her piece to a person who clearly doesn't know much about this subject and about the heartbreak of rescue and how many dogs are dying every year because of people like her.  It is absolutely this woman's choice, you are correct and it is absolutely NOT Isis's choice, you are correct...but that doesn't mean Isis should have just stood there without a word. I don't know Isis personally but I DO know the work she does and she's an angel for doing it.

    Thanks, Isis, for at least attempting to educate this woman.  As for the two dogs I would breed...I don't honestly know. If it were actually a good thing to do, I WOULD say a Siberian Husky/Akita as they are two of my favorite breeds...but then I realized that dog would be ENTIRELY too clever for me and I wouldn't stand a chance. :-)  So I guess I'll go back to just buying purebreds from the right breeders and adopting unknown mutts from the shelters!

  7. 1. Border Collie (activity level) and Labrador Retriever (kindness)

  8. Boxer and a Bulldog -- I love both breeds... I would hope to get a taller more athletic Bulldog/heavier set Boxer.

    Would I ever breed these two breeds or be a breeder of any sorts myself?  No.

  9. I would breed a Basset Hound with a Basset Hound.

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