if you could breed 2 purebreds together for a desired effect or purpose what would they be? personally, if i were knowledgable and experienced about breeding, it would be Goldens and Border collies. my very first rescue, about 20 yrs ago, was this mix. he was incredibly intelligent (graduated top of his class of 16 in obedience, and 3rd and 5th in the advanced and retriever classes after), he would herd as well as retrieve. of course i got him neutered though.
and for any who don't know me, i rescue mutts and they are ALL spayed and neutered.
i also think that until a new breed is well established, proven and recognized by the AKC etc, the pups shouldn't be SOLD, but adopted out (adopt. fee) or given away.
so which 2 would you breed? and what would the purpose be?
(yeah. i got into it with a woman at the vets the other day. she let her am. staff breed with a chow. now she doesn't know what to do with the 7 pups. all because she doesn't believe in spaying)