
If you could bring a PM back from the dead to sort Britain out which one would it be?

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If you could bring a PM back from the dead to sort Britain out which one would it be?




  1. Oliver Cromwell

  2. Good Question, but if the PM could be brought back how would he be invited to Buckingham Palace to "kiss hands" and be asked to form a Government? Let's say" Clement Attlee, the [Old] Labour PM who brought in the NHS, who worked with Alfred Beveridge to use public policy on behalf of people's needs. But would the Queen invite him to form a Government, since the UK is a constitutional monarchy - not a republic or democracy? Probably not. Her father didn't want to call him, didn't want to bring socialism to the UK ... didn't give a hoot about the poor. At best, if Mr Attlee were brought back he'd be put in the House of Lords and be disappeared into irrelevance.

  3. Gordon Brown.

  4. William Gladstone 1809 -98 PM from 1868-74/ 1880-85/ 1886 and 1892-4

    Old school hard line, no flaffing about But with a fast track update on modern political situations obviously, don't want him popping off to invade countries all over the place really do we. :)

  5. Hitler - ex German Chancellor.

  6. Gordon Brown. You can't tell me he's really still in the land of the living.

  7. none of them they were all a bunch of greedy useless middle class retards

  8. Winston Churchill

  9. Hitler?

    Seriously, whoever took over West Germany after the war, and made it the powerhouse of technological quality it is now.

  10. Winston Churchill or William Penn the second.

  11. Tony Blair. I love him. Not Churchill. He had the German code and would hide in bunkers as he knew when there would be bombing, then come out like a hero while people were bombed, then takes the credit for what the normal people did.

    Maybe Attlee for bringing in the NHS.

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