
If you could buy a property in Cuba, what city would yo choose?

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and why?

Is the Blockade working or not?




  1. I don't think the blockade is can't buy houses if you're a foreigner though, everything belongs to Fidel.

    In my opinion Santiago would be the best place, its the countryside after all, really soothing.

  2. I love Havana and all but I would say Varadero is the best in Cuba these days!! I's a beach but a beautiful beach!!  Varadero is my choice for the best place ever...if allowed to purchase.  There is an embargo on for the US and Yes it is working.  You can visit there though.  I believe all property is the property of the State and so permission to buy is needed.  Things may change post Castro.  I hope so but without outbidding the Cuban people.  There will be a need to set up rules and guidelines about purchasing propety (like Bermuda has).  Otherwise American opportunists and lots of bucks  would buy up the who country...swallow it whole.   It is sort of like why there was a revolution in 1959 and how Castro came to power.  Good luck.

  3. Havana is the best city in Cuba because it is the center of commerce and politics.

  4. Well I do not think I would choose to live in Cuba, but possibly Santaigo De Cuba, or sometown like that. Definitley not Havana.

    Regarding the Blockade, or more correctly, the "embargo", seems to be working, in some senses. Whilst products from Cuba (e.g. Cigars) are illegal, as is travel to the country, it can still be done, and with relative ease for that matter. For instance, someone living in Chicago Illinios, could simply board an American Airlines flight to Montego Bay, Jamaica and then board  a Cubana de Aviación to Havana.

  5. I would say Havana without knowing much of the other cities mentioned here because it is the capital, and that is where the action will be once the government starts interacting with the outside world including the US (and it will!)

  6. How would people in the US know? We don't even see any Cuba footage on TV.

  7. If you are from the US then you cant do it, by any means it is illegal to use the US dollar in Cuba, if you can buy a house there then I would recommend La Havana or Santiago, are the most developing city and still cheap, if you choose a small city it would be really poor and very dangerous.

  8. is a beautiful town.

    I don't think the blockade is working, but I would rather support the cause of the Cubans in the US who fled Castro's regime than buy goods manufactured in Cuba.  I can live without cigars, but nobody should have to do without freedom.

  9. Havana mainly because while the cities infrastructure needs a lot of work it has many good things going for it.  There is a large under utilized work force. And NO. The Blockade is not working.

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