
If you could chang something in the world what would have been?

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If you could chang something in the world what would have been?




  1. i would legalize drugs. common sense will keep people alive. and if they overdose, well you knew after the first hit/pill/line/ you should have stop. i also would make everyone have  common sense because sadly it isn't so common.

  2. I'd like to teach the world to sing

    In perfect harmony

    I'd like to hold it in my arms

    And keep it company

    I'd like to build the world a home

    And furnish it with love

    Grow apple trees and honey bees

    And snow white turtle doves

    If I could do those four things, I guess I would be happy.

  3. The Holocaust

  4. Great question...... I must think a bit.  "I'll be baack...."  <==== Arnold


    This is a world wide question.  Therefore I don't think singling out a particular event in mankind's history is adequate.

    People want to be happy and live comfortably.  If they aren't fed, housed, or able to provide the necessities to reach that life, problems become evident.  Poverty, wars, civil wars, tribal disputes, and crime all come from one thing.

    Unemployment.  If I could, I would give everyone a job.

    If everyone on earth had a job to perform, the  level of purpose in life, increased self-esteem, and self-confidence would drastically increase.

    Employment, even if it's simple tasks within a family unit will put food on the table.  Therefore, rationing, or lack thereof, in some developing countries would drastically decrease.  People in first world countries would not be surviving on public taxes, or feel the need to steal from those they resent.

    A job can also motivate people not to seek comfort in drugs.  Helping each other within the community would increase.

    When enough basic creature comforts are obtained legally because employment provides the means, a substantial amount crime could be reduced.  People would feel less fear about others.

    That leads to better understanding of each other, which leads to respect.

    I realize this is a very complicated issue and  my answer cannot possibly include all the, "...but, what if..."s, and other associated problems, but it could be a good start.

  5. I would eliminate bad neighbors, you know- the kind of people that you just can't get a long with no matter how hard you try?

  6. I would change the way that low income families get there income. I would have it to where they would be able to find work and still get the check so they could be more independent over a period of five years. I would also have them get like two checks a month. Like at the begining of the month and in the middle of the month. With gas we would really need this.

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