
If you could change 3 things about this country . . . .?

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What would you change and why?




  1. 1 - The Healthcare Plan. Even Cuba, which is an island, has better Healthcare than we do.

    2 - The Education System. Again, even Cuba offers free education. Our system is a joke. It's almost like our government doesn't want us to be educated.

    3 - The Environmental Plan. There is no excuse for how we treat the environment. We're supposedly the most powerful nation on the planet but we do very little right.

  2. 1. Choice in education; remove the government monopoly and allow people to spend their tax dollars on their school of choice

    2. Repeal or amend the "born in US - automatically a citizen". It's a magnet for illegals.

    3. Start eliminating unneeded federal departments like Education (it's a state thing)

  3. Amend the constitution to

    elect president by popular vote- then we wont have this divisive red state blue state thing

    Have a presidential runoff, so people dont end up voting for the guy running against the guy they hate

  4. First, I'd get rid of racism.  

    The reason is that right now, the different ethnic groups are so against each other it's not even funny.  Take Jena, Louisiana, for example.  Had it been black-on-black or white-on-white violence, it wouldn't have made the news.  Because it was multi-racial, it was a huge problem.  I'd like to get rid of that- nobody thinking they're better, no need for Affirmative action/race riots/etc

    Second, I'd get rid of the electoral college.  As it currently stands, a president can be legally elected without the popular vote being in their favor, as long as they've got the electoral votes.  That used to be okay, as people accepted the new president and never heard what the final vote tally was, but now that we've got instant access to news 24 hours a day, it can poison an administration before it even gets started.  How many people hated President Bush the day he took office?  

    Third, I'd get rid of the idea of being politically correct.  Right now, we're so politically correct that we're stifling creativity and slowing ourselves down as a nation because we wouldn't want to offend a child that can't keep up with the lesson plans, or make him feel un-valued.  I would prefer a system that rewards excellence, dislikes but accepts mediocrity, and removes the substandard.  Not in a n**i kill/sterilize them way, but in a send them to trade schools because there's no need for them to go to college way.  If someone's qualified to dig a ditch and that's it, let them dig a ditch! That way, the good ideas can come FROM America instead of coming TO America

    but that's just my two cents.  

    In short:

    No more Racism of ANY kind

    No more Electoral college

    No more Politcal correctness.

  5. 1) Prohibit any and all forms of Socialism at the Federal level by reinstitution the 10th Amendment

    2) Limit the Supreme Court to its original power of applying the law as written. Even the slightest violation would mean impeachment

    3) Limit all Federal budgeting to zero-baseline rather than current-expenditures baseline

    I have more but you only wanted 3. Do it at the federal level and the States would be free to do as they please at the risk of social, economic and political failure on their own.

  6. We Live in the Greatest Country on Earth…Why Change It!

  7. I would start the flat tax system, everyone pays 10% income tax.

    I would bring back the line item veto, so presidents could strike out pork barrell spending from important bills.

    I would eliminate safe seats in the congress, redraw district boundries so the incumbent was not always assured reelection.

  8. Put GOD, back in our country would help. Everything we grew on was "IN GOD WE TRUST". Now you are not allower to say his name in alot of places,and that is a shame.

  9. Politicians, Politicians, Politicians.  I believe we need Politicians who will keep our Nation's sovereignty, will keep the Constitution in tact, will keep our freedoms and liberties.

    As I see Washington DC these days, they are NOT working for the good of this Country.  They listen to the lobbyists, Big Corp, and I fear they have a different agenda in mind when it comes to the good of our Country.

  10. 1. Make the government tell the truth about everything.

    2. Free health care for everyone like Canada.

    3. Some how change the laws that are followed in court.  It is to easy for someone everyone knows is guilty to get off just because they have a good lawyer. They can even say they did it after they are found innocent and we can't charge them. That is messed up!

  11. Go back in time and prevent George and Barbara Bush from ever conceiving.

  12. I would  make an income tax unconstitutional again (as our fore fathers originally had it)

    I would have the senators ,once again, represent the interests of the states ,instead of the people.

    I would go back to the congress spending money on protecting us from the thugs and nothing else..

    ie. I would love to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness withour goverment interferrence or assistance.

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