
If you could change a wrestlers finishing move?

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Choose 5 wrestlers that you would change their finishers, and what would you give them as a finisher? Try to think of realistic moves that would go with the wrestler and their gimmick and moves they would be able to perform.

ie. Don't say Mark Henry should do a Shooting star press or Great Khali should do a Swanton, because these guys couldn't do those moves. Be realistic.




  1. I would change Carlito's move to the OUTSIDERZ EDGE looks really hot

  2. I'd change mark henry's, it's deffiantly not showing his strength. I say something like a Millitary press or something like that.

    Also i'd probably change The Miz's finisher, maybe to like a running S.T.O. or something like that  

  3. REy to do a Swanton!

    PS. I added you as contact!

  4. John cena- Brainbuster

  5. Santino Marella Should do a jump on back sleeper hold

    Cody Rhodes should do a Pull back nose Move that gets him DQ'd But he still doesnt let go

    William Regal should use Ortons Punt

    CM Punk should do pepsi plunge


    Evan Bourne should do a backwards Swanton Bomb

  6. cm punk- anaconda vice(he seriously needs it back)

    john cena- death valley driver or a torture rack into a reverse death valley driver(the fu just looks like a elevated body slam)

    evan bourne- cyclorama (i loved when he did this move in the indies)

    cody rhodes- some variation of the bionic elbow(ted dibiase gets a variation of the million dollar dream why not cody)

    ricky ortiz-spear or high impact shoulder block(for the last time wwe a splash is not believe able unless you are like 300 pounds) ricky used to be a football player use that as a way to sell the move

  7. Mr. Kennedy needs something new immediately. I think a really vicious looking DDT (maybe with a jump) would work.

    MVP should get something quick and easy to to pull off, perhaps like a stunner. Not directly the stunner, but more like the Diamond Cutter. Seperate it from the RKO a little bit by removing the jump.

    Edge needs a submission finisher since the Spear has become too universal. It's almost become a crutch for guys who can't find a good move. I'd give Edge a leg lock or some type of ground submission move involving the abdomen or the legs. It would fit his new more psychotic persona.

    I'd like to see Mickie James try out a swinging DDT over using Trish's old finishers. I know that was Mickie's gimmick coming in, but I think this would work better.

    Finally Paul Burchill needs a new finisher and quick. I'd let him continue using the C4 if he were a face, but as a heel I'd give him a driver. Builds him credibly as a power contender, and since the IC scene is full of relatively small guys it shouldn't be that hard to pull off.

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