
If you could change anything about the world what would you change?

by Guest63039  |  earlier

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If you could change anything about the world what would you change?




  1. ♥1.) Firstly, I would change the poverty into wealth in ALL countries. It isn't fair when other people already have riches, while some have to bathe in puddles and starve to death. When they see how good the world is in a normal standpoint, where they have money and the freedom to get and do as they wish, I'd smile when I see them enjoying it. ^__^

    ♥2.) Second, I'd get rid of racism. People just don't know how much stress it creates, making you believe you're inferior because you were born a certain way. We all should get along in my opinion, no matter what race you are. People usually hate poor Blacks and Hispanics because they need the government to support themselves and it gets involved with taxes. Thankfully, after I change poverty into wealth, financial hate would cease. Then, the world be a better place.

    ♥3.) Third, I'd get rid of every disease in the world, including mental illness. I think people deserve to live their lives, and I could never see them pass because of a sick they can't help. I mean, cancer almost literally happens automatically. HIV/AIDS can't be cured, and the sufferer's basically dying slowly. If I could get rid of these sickness, people's lives could be better, and live on.

    ♥4.) Fourth, I'd get rid of these street gangs. Hopefully, after changing poverty and racism, the gangs would disappear, but if not, I can convince them that their lifestyle is unnecessary. I can convince them to do GOOD for the community and not destroy it by killing people and selling drugs.

    ♥5.) Fifth, I would make all natural resources unlimited. Believe me, if we run out of ONE resource, humans are at major risk. Think about it, without gas, we'd all be forced to walk until and most gas-powered technology would stop working.

    ♥6.) Sixth, I'd change gas prices from expensive to cheap. People have to get place, and with gas prices nowadays, driving would be difficult.

    The list goes on-and-on-and-on-and-on, but I'm going to be a lady and not have you read it all. I don't want to take up too much of your time.


  2. the world leaders... need some new people that know how to play well with others.  :)

  3. AUTISM!

  4. well if i can change something... i'll eradicate all the parameters through which people are classified... caste creed religion financial status...


    the greed in human nature...

    these two because i believe wars hatred is because of two reasons..

    1) to make our own community to be proved better than other


    2) to win more than one has or deserves...

    both will be covered by these changes and hence wars hatred and other stuff would be out...

  5. I would change it so that WOMEN were the ones that are "on the make" all the time, and MEN get pursued and get to pretend they don't like the attention.

  6. I would change a lot for the better. I would change the world from a chaos of WARS, and FIGHTING into WORLD PEACE!

  7. sooo sooo much but one thing that stands out to me right now is that i'd legalize marijuana. alcohol and cigs are far more dangerous then marijuana. marijuana is actually good for you in a lot of ways. it can treat a number of sicknesses including anxiety, asthma, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy and glaucoma. also is great for cancer patients to deal with pain. we are wasting money buy keeping people in jail for marijuana position. 2/3 of ppl in jail now are in for non violent crimes. how ridiculous is that?? there are tons of other reasons. weed isnt bad. period. the government jus wants you to believe that so they can continue wasting our money and getting richer. also if it were legalized there'd be so much less ppl in jail meaning less jobs.

    p.s. you can't change the minds of ppl so thats why i didn say end racism.. that doesn't make sense. its a state of mind so you'd have to make changes in the world that would lead to the end of racism but that's quite a task.

  8. I would change racial segregation, no-one would ever be picked on or killed because of their nationality. I think changing things like poverty, illnesses etc would have a bad impact on the world like overcrowding, loss of natural and other resources and eventually extinction  

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