
If you could change one thing about the world today what would it be?

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If you could change one thing about the world today what would it be?




  1. I would make the length of a metric day 10 hours instead of 100.

  2. No more violence and war.

  3. Nothing. I am only in control of myself and my actions as is everyone else. Attempting to control the uncontrolable distracts people away from what is in there control and that adds to the uncontrolable problems of others.

    Everything-And I mean everything, has its positives and negatives so the impossible dream of an ideal world is impossible.

  4. disease,a cure my mother passed of cancer.

  5. politics

  6. Have Adam induce vomiting  to bring up the apple

  7. I would make it flat, like it used to be.

  8. Less violence towards people who are deemed 'different'.  Mostly, I would stop all the g*y bashing and let them get married and live in peace already.  They're no different than any straight couple.  And I find homophobes extremely annoying.  I also really despise racism.  I just can't seem to wrap my head around the concept of hating someone because their skin is a different shade.

  9. I would take away the idea that any one group of people are any better than another. I would get people to realize we all come into the world the same, structurally look the same, live, grow and die the same. No one should be any more superior over the other. By seeing each other as created the same it could end the hatred groups have for other groups.

  10. The need to change anything.

  11. I would free all the alcohol in the world.

  12. Well I don't think there is one thing I could change to make the world better, but that's not what you really asked.

    So I would have to say I would like to change our philosophy on the meaning of life.

  13. the fact beer is going up by the week-end just to pay for the increased shipping costs due to high fuel prices. d**n opec to h**l!

  14. eliminate borders, nationalism,  and just have one happy planet called earth.

  15. Self-centered-ism and selfishness.

  16. less hate

    seriously less hate

  17. Get rid of man made religion.

  18. The violence.  This year after multiple projects and different classes in school, Africa and their different presidential elections and homicides are ridiculous.  And the middle east can really cut down on their savagery.

    It all makes my heart break.

  19. I would like harmony among all human beings.

    The ten commandments offer the perfect law......if all 10 commandments were followed and enforced, we could achieve harmony.

  20. less fighting more love. holly cow i sound like a hippie!

    peace and love dude!

    : )  <3

  21. To wake the planet up and go green. We are such a cancer to this poor planet that could have provided us all with a healthy comfortable place to live. Instead we abused, used and polluted it for our comfort and greed, and now we are just starting to feel the consequences.

    We really do reap what we sow.

  22. Hollywood can't make a movie without putting some half naked chick in it. They have no respect for the fact that women shouldn't be seen as s*x objects were good for other things too you know like actually acting!

  23. Get rid of all masons.

  24. hmmm...i think i would try to change the pollution rate in the environment....or something like that...

  25. i would say less rasisim because that happens alot at my school and everywere

  26. Goodbye George.

  27. i would make the individual obsolete, the human race would function as a whole, not individuals, they would all work toward a higher purpose, and forget completely about personal gain.

  28. gas prices.

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