
If you could change one thing about your community, what would you change and why?

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(pretend that you are an extremely involved individual)




  1. my community is very important to me, I am involved volunteering in my community for years...more recreational activities for families

  2. The local teens do not seem to be interested in college or volunteerism. If I could come up with a way to get them to want to volunteer to help others I think they would learn a lot and I think it would be a way for them to want to learn more so that they can assist others while doing something good for themselves.I just think that a long time ago young people wanted to be Drs., Lawyers,Social Workers ect. Now, most of the children I see just want to get out of school and hang out. I live in the south now but I was raised in the North East. I just do not see the enthusiasm and the drive I used to see. Now it seems so many want to be rappers and entertainers but no one has said anything about being the Business person. Most of the young women with children want to be professional now but that was not the first choice. They just wanted to be out on their own and most of the South is filled with service jobs.

  3. I agree with Happycam...  My neighbours seem suspicious of one another too (I live in an area that is going from drug-house infested to being more gentrified...slowly).  I would also increase the involvement of the people in my neighbourhood.  My partner had a horrible accident in November (he was a pedestrian and was hit by a truck).  3 of my neighbours knew and didn't have one word of kindness nor did any of them raise a finger to help (and they are upper middle class too).  In my old city - I wouldn't have had to cook for weeks so I could look after my partner, and I would have been asked if I needed a ride to the grocers (we didn't have a car when the accident happened).  People in my old city were much more involved in the community though!

    I have recently met a lady down the street who feels the same as me.  She is quite involved in the community and seems to genuinely want to help people.  Through her, I am getting more involved in volunteering at the local school and I am meeting more empathetic, genuine people.  It would be nice if more people were like this!  There'd be much less heart ache and more of a sense of community (which I think fosters kindness and safety)!

  4. well i would change the big pot holes in my community because as soon as we drive into my community it's these big holes in the street so i would like to change that because it is just so bumpy and stuff

  5. I would find a way to make everyone more trusting and forgiving.  My community is very suspicios of each other and their motives.Of course, with the problems we've had here I can understand why.  But, it seems the bad element has mostly moved out------or in jail.So, I would try to bring trust back again.

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