
If you could change one thing about your government, what would it be and why? How would it get done?

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  1. I would change the President and his puppeteers

  2. The thing about not just my Government but all Governments would be to add The Human Right To Peace  as something Government guarantee through a Constituition as a Right for all Humans. The other to change would be to have The Human Right To own the planet and conserve natural resources as one  in The Constituitions of all nations which The Governments could add as right for all humans. There is something about an international right to The Sea  already but to move past this and supply a right to own the planet for everyone would just give control of it to those who already have it Humans.

  3. Assume you mean the Federal Government.  I would change the way Supreme Court Justices were "picked."  WAY too much power for just a few....dangerous, horrendous ramifications from their decisions...

    Now, ask me about the City Government I work for - that would take a thesis....

  4. electoral system sucks balls, and as a country we are way to conservative and thats why the europeans hate us because of there liberal ways, we should legalize marijuana, no joke, because we could save so much money doing that.

    And don't say were a liberal country cause were not at all

  5. Do away with both political parties; remove any reference of Bush in our history books and change the things he has done to destroy our economy and quality of life. That would also have to include Hillary Clinton who in spite of her bad mouthing Bush has supported almost every thing he has pushed for!

  6. I would remove the "revenue sharing" started by the Nixon administration in which large amounts of federal money goes back to the states and municipalities.  And other programs similar created by congressional action.  The local governments spend a tremendous amount of money on useless things because it is there.  I think if a city wants a picket fence their citizens should pay for it, not get some federal grant.  A huge amount of our money is spent this way.  

    The electoral college is OK.  It helps keep a balance between the small states and the large ones.

  7. The United States is supposed to be a "Representative Democracy within a Constitutional Republic". Now having said that, the bankrupt theory that our Constitution is a 'living document' which must be modified to to meet today's challenges is being used to promote democracy namely the 17th Amendment. Democracy is a necessarily degenerate form of government that inevitably reduces itself to the lowest common denominator. Our country was designed and intended as a Republic governed by the Rule of Law and it is the residue of that Republic that has allowed us to last this long. We the People must push for the repeal of the 17th Amendment and restore the Republic! The alternative is Mob Rule and anarchy followed by dictatorship.....

  8. I would clear out all present policy makers and their policies and replace them with new Representatives that would hold American citizens concerns above all and others. Foreign policy is important but not first and foremost. the people need to unite and hold our policy makers accountable.

  9. I would eliminate all federal activities that cannot be found in the Constitution.  

    This could be done by repealing the Seventeenth Amendment, giving the power to select Senators back to the legislatures of the States they are to represent.  

    Another way it could be done is for people to realize that the entire purpose of the Constitution is to protect the individual from government excesses, and that it is logically impossible for it to achieve that goal if the majority could not read it and understand it without the aid of a lawyer or judge, and just as impossible if they do not do so.

    If the power isn't provided for in the Constitution, they don't have it.

  10. I would make it easier for citizens to participate in their government.

    How to accomlish this objective:

    1. Require all the governent meeting that are being held in you city or town to be published as to time and date at least three day ahead of time in a local newspaper.

    2.Require all the hearings of allt the committees and agenccies of your state to be published in your local newspaper  at least two weeks in advance of the hearing or meeting being held.

    3.Require all the bill coming before your state legislature to be announced as to number and subject , with arief summary , at least two weeks in advance.

    4. Require that all bills coming before the House of representatie and the U.S. Senate be announced in a local newspaper as to title and suject of the bill with a brief simmary, at least two weeks in advance.

    5. Pass an Amendment to the Constitution to outlaw discrimination based on political opinion, political affiliation, or political activity, in any way shape or form. in order to promote citizenparticipation without fear, and encourage intelligent discussion of the issues that confront our country.

    6. Pass an Amendment to the Constitution to require 23 hours and 59  minutes of voting time, in all stateswhenever a President is elected..

    7.Make Parlimentary Proceedure a required course for all students that graduate from high school in the United States of America, so that they will better understand the rules which govewrn meetings and governent use to facilitate discussion,  public participation, and making public policy.

  11. I would like to see a limit of terms for congress and the house... Just like the presidency, no more than two terms served.  Let's get rid of career politicians!!

  12. Restore America to the US Constitution. End the New World Order.

    Vote Ron Paul 2008

  13. Like David M., I would open the government to the public, but in a different way.  We need to open governmental decision-making to all Americans.  We need a transition to a deliberative democracy.  Instead of elections, we should have public assemblies at a local level, similar to caucuses we have now, but not partisan, and not focused entirely on nominating or electing candidates, but instead focused on actually developing policy.  However, at the end of the local assembly, it would be an election, for delegates to the next higher level assembly.  These delegates would be elected by a proportional representation model so that all significant factions could be represented.  Delegates at higher level assemblies would have proxy votes based on how many people voted for them at local assemblies.  The day for local assemblies would be a national holiday so everybody who wanted to could attend without threatening their job.

    For more details, check out my blog at

  14. I'm from the United States, and I would like to change our philosophy of government, since I think that is what all other changes spring from.

    Right now, we have politicians or all parties, who somehow believe that large scale corporate and personal welfare, enormous government spending, and military expansionism is sustainable.  All the policies that promote these misguided ideals put the prosperity of the United States at risk, and always benefit certain individuals at the expense of others.

    I think that large government programs have played a huge part in reducing the sense of responsibility individuals feel towards one another.  Now, rather than realizing that we all need to help take care of the poor, we simply ignore the suffering, and expect that the government will take care of it.

    I believe that the current philosophy of government is destructive to the individual and to the prosperity of the entire United States.

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