
If you could change/prevent one event in history what would it be and why?

by Guest57575  |  earlier

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If you could change/prevent one event in history what would it be and why?




  1. id have someone put to sleep the driver that drove the Austrian prince to his death, which caused 2 wws and kinda the cold war/

  2. The Vietnam War.  Since the Johnson Administration, America has been going down hill bc of commie liberals and loss of patriotism.

  3. Nothing.  We learn from our past mistakes.

  4. the holocaust

    b/c it was horrible

    & it could have prevented WWII

  5. Martin Luther and the rise of Protestantism, because my own country would have had a lot less problems and bloodshed today.

  6. dropping the nuclear bombs on japan because we now live in fear of a nuclear war

  7. the development of bombs because now the whole entire world (not just america) lives in fear of a nuclear breakout.

  8. I would have stopped Urban II from making his speech at the council of Cleremont.  In this speech he launched the Christian holy war against the Muslims.  This war is still being fought today.

    In this you will find the roots of the anti-semitic horrors and  Islamic extremism of the last thousand years.  Pope Urban II started it in 1095.

  9. Two things, first, the formation of Israel, and two, the election and swearing in of George Bush.

      Both are nothing but problems for the rest of the world.

  10. Prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb, or someone is finally going to use a nuke again.

    Murdering Adolf Hitler in 1920 because I am German.

  11. Nothing. If you change one piece of the wheel of time, you would throw everything out of whack. I'd rather reflect on history and use it to keep from making the same mistakes.

  12. Nothing as we do not know if things would be worse or better than they currently are.  Nothing to say that if Hitler had been killed as a child that Germany may have won WW2 or had the USA not dropped the 2 A-bombs on Japan and the USSR been allowed to attack Japan more how much worse the bloodshed would have been

  13. delay the declaration of independace by a century. With peace in europe the full might of the british empire would have rain h**l on george washington IV and his little band of yanks. With that Britain would still have its empire today and rule the world

  14. Amritsar Massacre, because it lead to the fall of the British Empire.

    Many, but not all of the former British Colonies fell into opression, dictatiorship, and poverty after the Brits left. Zimbabwe is only the latest example. Uganda is another. Many nations fell into what was termed "One man, one vote, one time" as the elected leaders of the newly independent colonies rapidly appointed themselves "President for Life"...Robert Mugabe and Idi Amin are just two examples.

    When the Brits left India the Partition into Pakistan, India, Ceylon and Burma resulted in millions of deaths...Partition was accompanied by the largest and most rapid population transfer in history, with 17.9 million people leaving their homes. Of these, only 14.5 million arrived, suggesting that 3.4 million went "missing".  Hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, were killed in riots, more were raped or mutilated.

    Aside from that, it would have kept together the largest and greatest economy mankind has ever built.  The economic gap between England and her former colonies only got LARGER after independence in most economically it hurt them.

    Most, if not all of the Empire would have been much better off with Home Rule within an Imperial framework, than outright Independence.

  15. The Holocaust. This is undoubtedly one of the most horrendous episodes in human history and, the weird thing for us is that it happened so recently. Sixty plus years ago. Nothing in human history; a few seconds.

    Also, if the Holocaust hadn't happened, there would be so many more Jews in the world, especially in Europe.

    Finally, of all the events in human history, this one (they may be more) was so enormously evil--and, for that matter, so often grossly evil in banal ways--that it is impossible to comprehend. It's like trying to grasp the concept of eternity or the universe or God.

  16. So many things, but maybe this one,  No  Clemenceau involved in forming the Treaty of Versailles...its because of him that caused the TofV to be so bad as to set the stage for WW2 and so the holocaust could have been avoided.

  17. I would have changed a lot of things about the Treaty of Versailles. It caused a communist revolution in China and, more importantly, left Germany in shambles and Hitler was able to climb out of the gutter and rise to power, causing the Holocaust and the slaughter of millions. The Treaty writers believed in the slogan "to the victor go the spoils", and their ideas, while looking good on paper, threw off everything.

    Another answerer has a point with the fact that changing anything would throw everything out of whack. Although I could be reading too many Pendragon books :) We learn from History. Events such as Tianemen Square 1989, monks setting themselves on fire in Vietnam and the Salt March opened the eyes of the world to terrible happenings and the international community was able to step in or at least question some things.

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