
If you could change....?

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If you could change one thing you did in the past or one thing you wish would've ended differently....what would it be?




  1. I believe it is what we have done and encountered that has made us who we are now. I wouldn't take anything back, and have learned alot from the difficulties and joys of my life.

  2. my dad getting ill

  3. i will chage that day when i did something wrong with my love, it is still the same as it was before that but reallly wish to change that, and sorry i dont have words to explain it.

  4. I can not regret or change my past because it has made me who I am today. There are things that are in my past that I shouldn't have done or shouldn't have happen to me. But such is life. If you could change one thing in your past it would have changed everything. Would you be willing to lose what you got?

  5. Hurting my wife by my stupid actions...

  6. i would go back and change my eating 240 pounds ugh!

  7. I would like to have done a better job of resolving my relationship with the woman who was my "first."  I was still emotionally immature/emotionally disabled at the time, and I acted very poorly towards her.  I'm still ashamed of that, and probably always will be.

    Of course, that shame helped me get better, and 15 years later I'm in a healthy long-term relationship, so...

    That's the thing with changing the past... you lose what made you you.

  8. I would have made sure that I had a backup plan for when life threw me a rotten curve ball. I would only depend on myself.

  9. "NOTHING"

    Habit of doing nothing

  10. change of the people I have met in my be able to meet other people in my younger years....I am 50 years old and have met allot of people, most I have no Desirae to meet ever again...........

  11. i wish i had told my friend to go after him, but i didn't.

  12. I wouldn't change anything. Sure, there are things I wish I hadn't done, but I learn from my mistakes. If I had never done those things, I would never have learned what to do later or avoid doing. Everything happens for a reason.

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