
If you could change something about your favourite band what would it be?

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If you could change something that might make them even better or take away something that you might not like that much about them, what would it be?




  1. I would make them put more songs on their albums...even though their songs are mostly over 10 minutes I would like to have 10-12 songs on the albums...Opeth

  2. I would make myself Dream Theater's second guitarist!

  3. I would change that Kurt Cobain was depressed, and that he married Courney Love. Other than that i'd change nothing about Nirvana.  

  4. DIME would still be alive !! That's what I would change...

      Drop the needle and spoon/ego Phil...that's what I would take away !!


    Thanks To The TD Clown....Keep Them Coming....

  5. Hmmm...Probably bring two of them back to life.  The band just isn't...together...without them.

  6. I would change their MINDS towards another reunion tour (in freaking Africa,I don't care,I'm concert-starved here and I would go wherever they played).

    Secondly,after giving a couple of more listens to Go Away White I changed my mind and I dislike it for a number of reasons.So yeah,that too.

    (The band's Bauhaus btw)

  7. i'd take away their last album and all the attention they get and turn them back into the amazing punk band they were before Hollywood got to them.

  8. eliminate the ego's and get the original 4 back together for more than one show in 17 years  (Jane's Addiction)

  9. probably the fact that they don't play together anymore, so i would bring them back together again...... my band is System Of A Down  

  10. Mostly I would just like some talented performers to have made it clear of drugs so that we could have had a chance to hear their music evolve and grow.


    Jimi Hendrix

    Jim Morrison

    Janis Joplin

    Kurt Cobain

    John Bonham

    Layne Staley

  11. I would never ever let Jack back into a pair of white practically painted on, skinny jeans. It just doesn't work so good on guys. Then again it never really looks especially good on girls. Oh, and I would also keep all kinds of bleaching hair products away from Bredon Benson. But that's all just phisical stuff. Besides that they're perfect in almost every way. Feel free to make fun of me for acting so obsessed.

    The band I'm talking about is the Raconteurs incase you were wondering.

  12. id, take 20 years off thier age so they pump out the records like they used to, they still make amazing tunes today but they have matured to much (album wise anyway)

    my band is Red Hot Chili Peppers

  13. blink 182 get back together, how they were on e***a of the state, definitely their best album! they made their songs sound so fun, then by the time they had their self titled album it was all so serious, still good though!

  14. to stop being so pretentious in his interviews..  

  15. quorthon would rise again.  rip

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