
If you could change ten things about the USA, what would they be?

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Here are mine:

1) Make abortion illegal in all cases

2) restrict welfare so that it accomplishes what it is meant to accomplish - to give people a hand when they fall on hard times

3) Allow tax money that is now spent on public schools go to the school of the taxpayer's choice. This means that most public schools would die, but it also means that private schools would grow, flourish, and get a lot cheaper. Then, with all the competition our school system would improve tremendously.

4) make the penalty for rape or molestation castration. The rapist can never rape again, and plus it would be an incredible deterrent.

5) make it legal everywhere to own and carry guns.

6) get rid of bureaucracy, and replace it with small, local, efficient systems, especially for things such as driver's licensing.

7) Make sure that violent criminals stay in jail for their full sentence.

8) Make it a federal crime for the media to lie (you won't often hear me wanting to hand something to the feds, but this




  1. These are a few of the things I would change.

    Corporate greed and the way they treat blue collar workers and workers in general ticks me off..I have no problem with big companies making billions of dollars but at least treat and pay your workers fairly. Also politicians are suppose to be public servant's but when you look at their pay checks  they look like anything but that.. Then go on to vote themselves raises while the rest of the country is suffering.

    These are a few things that tick me off.. Hope that helped..God bless !

  2. We like our country just fine. Go to Russia.

  3. 1.) Make Election Day a Federal holiday, where everyone can participate.

    2.) More public funding for the arts.

    3.) Require the VP to run separate from the President in General Elections.

  4. I like your question, and you're quite introspective for a sixteen year-old. I'm with you on the abortion. I would make that illegal. I would give school vouchers so that I wasn't giving $6000 a year in school taxes and then sending my kids to catholic school for $2000 each per year. like I'm doing now. I would abolish the death penalty. I would make many many more laws about obtaining a gun and outlaw assault weapons. I would make penalties for pedophilia much more stringent, like jail for life. That's only 5, but I love this country and feel it's the best in the world, so I have no further suggestions for improvement. Great question!

  5. I don't think we need to change a lot. We just need to improve how

    we do the things we need to do. The framers of our Constitution were

    Brilliant men. They have set a fair stage for most to work on. We

    need to demand accountability from our elected officials. We need

    to insure our borders are more safe and controlled. We do some of

    these things we will be better off.

  6. There isn't much I would change.  I would change education, so that it was competitive and teachers would have incentive to teach well.

    We have enough holidays, and why should we give the day off to people to vote.  The law already states that employers must let people have time to vote.

    I would stop the cyclic welfare programs.  I think people should have training and learn personal responsibility.  Yes, I do believe we all fall on hard times and occasionally a person needs a hand up, not a hand out.  Maybe if people stay longer than 30 days on assistance they should be required to work for the assistance.

    I think we should drill for our own oil, and research for energy alternatives in the private sector.

    I believe in term limits for public officials.  Let them go to work, instead of getting rich off of the rest of us.

    I would definitely make the tax cuts permanent.

    Oh, yes, there is more.  To be continued.........


  7. Liberals moving to Mexico instead of being here, and staying there

    Illegals going home instead of being here, and staying there

    Repeat 10 times...100 is better, and a 1000 even more better.

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