
If you could change the attitude of one of your relatives, what in particular would it be?

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I would ask for some humbleness for a relative of mine, that has let greed and the love of money change him into someone that I do not recognize any longer. He brags of making a million dollars, and though I am elated for him, he does not realize how people perceive him by bragging this way. He did work very hard for what he has, yet one should be humbled yet proud of this accomplishment.




  1. Sounds like you and I have the same relative only mine is female. The female in my family didn't earn her money she scammed and stole it from other relatives.( ID theft)

    Maybe we were all wrong in NOT pressing charges against her. A good dose of jail might have knocked her off her high phony horse.

  2. my sister is always "thowing off" on poeple like it makes her feel better to disrespect others. I'd change that....definately.

  3. Their sheer provincialism and extreme nationalism. It makes them seem quite ignorant.

  4. hi .i take care of my 80 year old mom who is now having a heck of a time financially and living on her own . my sister who i tell , just says mom is mom and should be able to make her own choices . unfortunately my mom now is not able to . my sister who lives away , will be here in 6 days to visit . i will set her butt down and say  " help me with ma now " .

      wish me luck !

    have a great day . d.

  5. Hello, My Uncle he's about 80yrs old, when he talks it's f/this f/that no matter who's company he's with. He said it started when he was in Korea during the f/war and he felt better for it. So i would like to change the attitude of other relatives and friends into understanding that it might be a nervous illness that causes him to use the f/word, and listen with a deaf ear, as people who never seen war at first hand on the front line, like those that live in glass houses should never throw stones.

  6. I would change my brother's attitude that the world owes him a living.

  7. Not that my family is perfect, but now there is just my cousins that are my age and I have no problem with them. In the past I had a couple of aunts and uncles that were awful. They are gone now, but the memories linger on.      Poppy

  8.   This is a relative that I admire and love very much.  However, they are so bossy and somewhat overbearing.  When I am around them I am uncomfortable and feel like I don't exist.

      I wish that they would just relax and be with me instead of trying to micromanage everything and everybody.

  9. Well, I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but it would have to be my sister-in-law's snooty attitude.  Everything revolves around her and her sense of fashion, who she knows, where she goes, etc.  At our little family Labor Day gathering she told me that she wanted to put her handbag somewhere safe so nothing gets on it because it was a "Prada".  Well, I told her that I thought that was the name of the national newspaper of Russia.  She corrected me and informed me that was "Pravda" and asked me why in the world she would use the national newspaper of Russia for her handbag.  I told her I didn't know and that she could place her handbag in the back porch - on the stack of newspapers for recycling!

  10. Jackie,

    I have those like that too.  sad.  I try to stay away from them, and being from a large family there are many religions and Politics are a touchy subject.  I just say, we are family lets talk about other things!

    But for those who have done well and talk about it, I usually walk away.  I am happy for them but do not want to hear it.  I agree be more humble

  11. I would like to change my youngest son's (38) indifference.

    We have did more for him then all 4 of the others put together.  

    He never joins in any family doings & has always been invited.

    He does know where Mom & Dad are when he needs help. Tough love will come next time. It hurt all of us. His wife of 1 & 1/2 yrs. said things would be different after they got married. I said, How is that ? and she said because I'll be in charge. Little did I know it would be worse then ever. ~~~~~

  12. I have a brother who has serious heart disease.  He refuses to change his unhealthy habits and doesn't use his medication as prescribed.  It is a very real possibility that his life will be ending soon but he has chosen to party on.  I know it's his life but his attitude worries me.  He acts like he is going to live forever.  I wish he could change his attitude and deal with end of life issues.  No one is immortal.  I am dreading the mess he will leave for his wife, his family-owned business and young adult children.

    About your relative.  I keep thinking of the old adage, "Pride goes before a fall."    

  13. I have a number of relatives I wish would stop listening to right wing preachers and talk show hosts and do some serious thinking for themselves.

  14. You could tell him it bothers you and you like the relationship you used to have before the money seemed to change him. Other than that it is up to him to want to change, you can't make anyone change.

  15. i would like to change the cheap casual attitude of my second cousin towards his grandmother..he is her light, and she is in pre Alzheimer's he lives ten miles away..TEN..and i told him time was precious and that he should spend more time with her and he goes, i know but with gas being so high...GOD he is a pharmacist!!!!!!  He'll  be sorry later..

  16. I once worked for a man who, when I mentioned his money, said "Well, I've been fortunate".  I liked that.

    But to your question, people who gossip, bothers me most.

  17. I have a very close relative that lies for no reason at all and about usually non important things.  For that reason I can't believe anything said at any time and I would like to be closer and more trusting but that ain't gonna happen.

  18. my uncle luvs to make fun of me and i h8 that bcuz anytime i see him anything i say can be turned into marissa ur stupid okay don't u realize that? it drives me nuts and my cousin always chimes in with him

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