
If you could choose, would you rather have your team start its season across the ocean in Europe, or no? Why?

by Guest60859  |  earlier

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If you could choose, would you rather have your team start its season across the ocean in Europe, or no? Why?




  1. No, because then I can't go to the home opener.

  2. I think it would be interesting, sure, and they could make a buck, but for competitive reasons I would say no. Too much travel and wear on the players, and besides, they're too early. They play regualr season games while the other teams pare playing preseason games.

  3. Hey TBL, wouldn't you think the Lightning will be a little nervous playing their first game because of the new owners, coaches, and players? So imagine them starting the season in Europe! They might, or will be more nervous than any other team going to Europe to start the season.

    But I wouldn't want the Sharks starting in Europe because it's too much travel too early, it could hurt them i the long run.

  4. Nope. Honestly, I don't give a cr*p about the people in Europe. Leave the games here in North America.

  5. no way. i'm here...i want my teams to start off the season here. we're the loyal fans who devote every day to either watching the games or the rivals games to see who the competition is. why should one of the biggest games of the year be played overseas??

  6. Yup. Might as well wear 'em out right away. Gotta secure that first pick fast, doncha know. Otherwise no. I hate gimmicks.

  7. Well mine is, and I like it. Even though my birthday is usually the first day of hockey season and it'd be nice to go to a game on my birthday, I think I can deal lol

  8. Now that I think about it, it's starting to become pretty evident that the whole reason for the NHL starting games over there was to KEEP European fans because of this new Russian league. I'm on the fence on this one, because no matter what Bettman does, European hockey fans will like the new league because it's closer to home.

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