
If you could choose, would you rather...?

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If you could choose would you rather live indefinitely, never aging or getting sick, living until you either took your own life or died from misadventure, or maintain the natural course and die of "old age"? Citing detailed reasons for your choice would be nice.




  1. Never aging and never dying.

    What better could you ask for?


    a good paying job, so you could retire at 135,  travel the world at 150,  sit back and relax at 200,  and by the time you're 300, the earth would be so full of pollution, radiation poisoning and mutated diseases, that NO form of life will survive. Not even you with you possessing the power of invincibilty.

  2. I will follow the natural course because the programme is already is fixed in DNA & it can't change.

  3. Never getting sick.

  4. I prefer the first choice. For immortality I prefer the Highlander model,not indestructible but just that there's only one thing that could actually cause your death,in that case it was the severing of the head.

    Seriously,who would not want to be Immortal? I'm sure some would say they wouldn't perhaps,but if you put the option in their hand they would take it,I guarantee that.

    As for why I would want it I think I would simply like to be alive on this Earth long enough to figure out how to fix the mess that it's become. Looking around the world I see that it's obvious that mankind is incapable of learning to create a truly equitable and fair society in one lifetime,and we seem equally incapable of learning from History,otherwise we wouldn't try the same failed ideas over and over again.


  5. Tough decision, and I would have to think about it for some time just be sure I wanted to go through with it, but I would choose to live indefinitely.  

    I would love to see the progression of our species, and hopefully not the regression.  This would also give me the opportunity, and also the time to not only travel the globe, but to live amongst different cultures and learn first hand how they live their daily lives.

  6. never aging or getting sick. that would be brilliant !

  7. wot if im choosing the frst option but my partner is diein ..can my partner too have a choice ????

    if so thn the frst indefinitely wat fun...

  8. I would choose to live a normal life. i think 80-100 years are enough for me, regardless of how beautiful life is. Besides it is sickening to think that the only way to die is kill yourself or get killed; i would rather die spontaneously.

  9. The first choice obviously.  Life is great, and I'd like to live it a lot longer.  A lot of people say that would suck, well they could always choose to end it.

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