
If you could choose 1 paranormal related thing to be proven beyond all doubt, what would you pick and why?

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If you could choose 1 paranormal related thing to be proven beyond all doubt, what would you pick and why?




  1. Ghosts.


  2. I would choose Psychic powers.

  3. I guess that we go to Heaven when we die. I don't know if that's a paranormal thing or not. I do know that when I thought I would go to Heaven..I wanted to do all the good on earth that  I could. Before that..when I didn't think I'd didn't seem to matter what I did. Now  that I don't know  either way....nothing much matters anymore. I think that if you really knew that there is a Heaven and that you're going there..and that your loved ones are really there...your life would be happy and you'd do all you could to please God...and you'd have PEACE.

  4. Rebirth phenomenon

  5. I would have to choose any abilility to percieve or communicate that is beyond our current abilities to measure with physical devices.  Many experiments have been done, and there is substantial anecdotal evidence, but the number of experiments and the amount of research has not been enough to convince those who are staunch non-believers.

    I choose this ability because it would demonstrate to humans that they are able to do more than they might have believed.  It would challenge people to learn and provide them with the confidence to step outside of the normally accepted belief systems to find the truth.

    If one person could percieve things like psychic echos, non-physical beings, others thoughts, or the energies eminating from our bodies, why couldn't another person develop the same ability?  If there is a person who can communicate with others non-verbally or send and recieve messages to beings that are not physical, why can't other people learn these things also.

    It would legitimize a whole new field of study and get the attention of some of the more stringent scientists in the world.  Human's would have a renewed opportunity to advance their skills, and, with some luck, advance themselves spiritually as well.  Because, if there are some things beyond the physical realm, maybe more humans would consider that they need to learn more about their world before making judgements about the world.

    Thanks for the question B.

  6. like finding out what happens after you die?

    cause then i'd choose that one.

    or if my house is really haunted or i'm just crazy.

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