
If you could choose any age to be for one week, what age would it be and why?

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If you could choose any age to be for one week, what age would it be and why?




  1. 21, i can drink, drive, and do what ever i want......

    im 13 now.

  2. im 16 and i'd say 21 because i can have my own place my own job and i can drink in the clubs lol

  3. 2; u can get away with anything

  4. i would stick with the age im at now...i worked hard to get where im at now and wouldnt want to change anything

  5. 21 beause I will have freedom and no more parents nagging at me.Im 13 now.I can even drive!! YAY

  6. Age 6, I loved childhood. I loved to pretend, to set up tents in the living room, swim in my pool at night, to listen to great stories, to color, to paint, to ride my bike, to play with my dolls, to jump on the bed, and most importantly to be a part of my family. This was the greatest time in my life before my parents divorced and when my brother was still alive.

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