
If you could choose any three people to have round for dinner who would they be?

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They can be past or present




  1. Jeff Foxworthy, Larry the cable guy, Rita Rudner from Las Vegas.

    Especially Rita, her mannerisms while telling jokes is hilarious.

  2. my three best friends! Because it would be the craziest thing ever! I mean it would be better than all of our previous food fights!

  3. Johny Depp, My best friend Jess (so she could meet Johny) and Led Zeppelin (they count as one cuz their a band!) The orig. Zep b4 Bonzo died. . .

  4. Thomas Jefferson, Woody Hayes and my father.

  5. Cese Fabregas, Phil Tayor and Arsen Wenger   <-- Sorry if I spelt some names wrong!  

  6. might be a boring answer - but, my son, my other son, and my husband :)

  7. Natalie Woods

    Richard Burton

    Red Skelton

  8. Jesus.  Abraham Lincoln.  Malcolm X.

  9. Jesus,Albert Einstein,And Sigmund Freud.  The dinner conversation wouldn't be boring. lol.  I've gotta split,Thanks for the question.  This is David and it's been a pleasure writing to you.  Bye for now.

  10. Jack Black, Christopher Walken, & Kelly Clarkson

  11. Ernest Hemingway, John Lennon and Karen Carpenter (so I could tell her she wasn't fat and also she would have done better without her bro)

  12. phil anselmo, angela gossow and randy blythe

  13. I would want to call back my great great grand parents and learn what they know of those who came before them.

    I really wouldn't care to sit with famous people, just real people.

    Since you are from England, one would tell me about my people who lived in England since 1066 when the Normans invaded England..

    Many relatives are still living there.

    I would also find out about my Great Great Grandmother who was Cherokee.


  14. 1. Mark Twain - One of the best humorists of his time.

    2. Dave Barry - One of the best humorists of our time.

    3. Rowan Atkinson - How can the same man play Mr. Bean and  Black Adder (or whatever his character was called)?

  15. Bid from The Monochrome Set

    Jim Kerr from Simple Minds

    Morten Harket from A-ha!

  16. My Dad, who passed away in '05.

    My Auntie Virginia, who passed away in '96.

    My Mom (because she would want more than anything to have dinner with her very much missed husband and sister again).

  17. My son, my daughter and my hubby. I'm afraid of what the dead might tell me, so I won't bother them. Here is a star for your question. Don't mind the thumbs down. Poppy

  18. Jeffrey Dommer= He eats anything

    Jesus=A little bread and wine and he is done

    John McCain=One bite and he is done.

  19. Barack Obama, John McCain, and probably Ghandi to help me keep the peace . . . .Boy do I have questions for both of them ! ! !  

  20. I would have to bring a couple of people back..Justin Wilson..Julia Child..& Martha Stewart then i would cook ..i love to work under

  21. Princess Diana, what a lovely person she was,

    just too good for this horrible world.

  22. Alan Watts, Jesus, Billie Holiday

  23. Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, and Elvis -- I'd make them sing for their supper!

  24. Santa Claus, Jack Kerouac & Genghis Khan

  25. My high school sweetheart, Roy Orbison, and Leonardo DaVinci. What a dinner that would be.

  26. All my grandparents.

  27. mariah carey, justin timberlake & jen lopez

  28. Without a doubt, I'd have my British friends Mo and Andy for dinner

    along with my husband. I think it would be interesting to see what

    they think of western foods. I know they have many things available

    in Britain, from the west, but I'd like them around the table so we

    could call things the way we do in our own country and learn from

    each other. I've wondered, why is it, that the American english is so

    much more different than the British. And why is it, that so many of

    the British pubs, have the silliest of names. My friends, go to the

    Daisyfield, near their home. And children are welcome there along

    with their parents. That's something unheard of here in the states.

  29. the three people would be robert cray, tina turner and tommy  castro

  30. my boyfriend... ben gibbard.. and brendon urie

    lmao all vegatarians exept my bf!

  31. John Cena (WWE)

    Kristen Bell (Veronica Mars)

    Goku (Dragonball Z)

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