
If you could choose peace for mankind or billionaire status for yourself, what would it be?

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If you could choose peace for mankind or billionaire status for yourself, what would it be?




  1. Billionaire status. I could do a lot more with the money than with some vague and general idea of "peace".

  2. I would choose to be a billionaire. And I'm not greedy, but life would be boring if everything was peaceful. It would be so much easier and the whole point of life is to have experiences. Sometimes you need to go beyond the box of laws and see things for yourself.

  3. Peace for mankind. Can you imagine how long that will last - that's like eternal satisfaction on Earth. How could I choose billionaire status - something superficial and not emotionally satisfying at all - over that? Once I die, who cares about whether I was a billionaire? (okay, maybe my rich *** kids.) But, peace for mankind...that can last so much longer, and would be much more satisfying to me at least.

  4. I would choose billionaire status. If world peace existed, then humans would no longer exist.

    With a billion dollars I could be tapping some mighty fine *** on a daily basis.

  5. DEFINITELY peace.  I'm happy with what I have right now.

  6. Peace for mankind-because more people will benefit, and because money will never provide happiness. Peace, on the other hand, always provides happiness. When we are at peace--true peace, that is, things that may have mattered in the past, like monetary status, fall away. If all of us were blessed with the gift of peace, many other problems that plague us as a people, would fall away. Money, has limits, But there is no limit to the peace that we can bestow on others, and that they, in turn, can pass on once again. Peace can be compounded, and can always return.

    Peace can go a long way.

  7. If the peace for mankind could be accomplished by peaceful, non-coercive means - i.e., by setting a good example and pointing the way for mankind to follow - I'd definitely choose that. What need would money be in a world where people all had genuine good will towards one another?

    If, however, the peace were to be accomplished by coercion or even some sort of "magic space pixie" spell, I'd have to choose billionaire status. I'd never violate someone's "free will" no matter how wonderful I might think the results would be.

  8. Peace. Thing is I can come close to billionaire status or at least one of comfort. So can anyone else if they make their own currency. They just require a mint or recycling plant. Good artistic skill. Communism was the first attempt at comfort .

  9. Funny.  I don't think that peace for all of mankind is possible.  I think that the human condition includes conflict.  Perhaps it is this mindset that perpetuates the  lack of peace for mankind.  Hmmmm.  

    Well I guess I should take the billion then.  But, I think that a billion $$ is too much money for one person.  I think that when one spends it, they do it with too much ego and it is too much to ask a person to control themselves with so much, and when one leaves it to charity, it gets confused by many egos who did not even earn it, or understand it, and finally, leaving it to children is the worst of all.  SO.  I will take 10 million please.

    Thank you

  10. peace....but after all i am human....i would want the recognition of being responsible for peace

  11. I believe your question originated from a joke.

    A guy ask God for a wish.

    Guy: I want to be a billionare.

    God: That would be difficult, try another wish.

    Guy: I want peace for mankind.

    God: Let me try to make you a billionare.


    I believe peace for mankind is impossible to achieve because there will always be conflict of ideas and interests, which will lead to war.

    Therefore, I would choose billionaire status for myself.

  12. I would ask for Billions since asking for a wish would be a shortcut & its no fun.

    Peace will never come to this Earth as long as Christ does not come in all His awesomeness.

  13. I would choose peace for mankind. I see an inbalance if I become a billionaire myself. It's like sitting on a king's throne and everyone else lives in poverty, it's horrible to live up to that making myself a target, and the only one with that kind of status. Afterall, living as an equal with others will balance out life since we're not the only ones here. There are others around us that needs it.

  14. My dear... "Smooth"....

    What a great "concept"... -peace on earth-...How desirable & fabulous would it be !!!! Sure, I'd sacrifice even some of "what I have at present"... in order to bring peace to all the nations!!!! Maybe... "one day"... we'll have such an imaginary "place" John Lennon...has wished for in his great song : "Imagine"....the world would be "as ONE"...Such a humble, great "concept" !!!! I'd go for that... -any time- !!!

    Wish you all the best & keep thinking those positive thoughts !!! Greetings from Germany.... Annette***

  15. Neither one.  The so called "peace" will probably mean a harsh lock down of the mental institution we call earth.

    Could care less about taking a cut in pay.

  16. PEACE is more valuable to mankind than having rich people!

    If I were to choose being a billionaire I'd probably go out the next day and spend it all to help the world. Money does burn a hole in my pocket, lol.

  17. Neither, in this crazy world of my god is better than your god and unbridled wealth I don't believe a fairy good witch could grant either to me, simply not an option for this ole fa$t....

  18. No brainer: peace on earth. Sorry, but I think any other response is an excuse for selfishness and hedonism.

    Making a fetish of "free will" is all very well and good if you're a well-fed bourgeois American. I suspect people would feel differently if they were being hunted down and starved out by janjaweed in the Sudan.

  19. I appreciate the people around me and I am caring towards them...i will chose peace of mankind...and once there is peace everywhere there is no need for money to show off or prove myself.

  20. Peace for mankind. The economy would improve without spending on security and conflicts, so my economic status would be better.

  21. Megan S - the capitalist society demands conflict; it creates work and wealth.  If such a thing as a benign capitalism were even possible, then $1B would be completely unnecessary.

    I would choose peace, without even thinking of personal wealth.

  22. Peace for mankind.  If we truly had peace there would be no need for anyone to have $1B.

    Peace be with you,


  23. Peace for mankind is worth more than being just a billionaire.

    If peace for mankind would be truly all possible in the world.

  24. Status is illusory.  If we all had peace, we'd never need the concept of status or even think about it for that matter.  So peace for all mankind naturally.

  25. Well if we were truly presented with the option, and if "peace" meant "peace in its ideal form," then certainly, I think all but the most senseless and hateful people would choose peace.

    Even selfish people would chose peace, if only because they will be direct benefactors thereof-- and so too will their family and so on.

    However, if "peace" meant some temporary instance of calm, or something unsustainable, then I would go for billionaire status.

  26. i'd have to choose the BILLION dollars!!!!

    im not really a materialistic person, im just really selfish.

    and yeah that actually does make sense.

    but at the same time i'd probably give most of it away.

    other reason for choosing this is that if we had world peace, then it would just be a really boring world.

  27. I don't know. It might depend on how much money goes along with "billionaire status." Just one billion or 100 billion?

    Far more people die from things like preventable diseases and malnutrition than from war. Billions of dollars, properly invested, would likely end up saving more lives than ending war would.

  28. It depends.  If the world has a spiritual aspect to it (not religion specific) then there is a reason to respect Time and other peoples' experience of life.  In which case I would choose World Peace as material goods in regards to the self are impermanent as is physical life.

    If there is no spiritual aspect and the universe/life is strictly impermanent and material and at death you cease to exist and have no awareness that you died or that you ever lived... then there's no reason to value other peoples' experience of life over my own immediate pleasures.  Even more, why value or care about something that invests in pleasures (for others) PAST one's death as one can't experience it?  In this case, I would choose to have billionaire status UNLESS I can foresee my immediate experience being negatively affected by lack of world peace.

  29. peace..  if everyone had peace and love what would money matter so much?!  peace would lead to love and other things...  that is what no one seems to realize and why they hoard money and are selfish in general.

  30. peace and happiness.  if it were just peace but did not involve happiness i would question choosing peace.

  31. Young Man, I choose peace.

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