
If you could choose to have wings?....?

by Guest59494  |  earlier

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would you?

what would they look like?feel like? fly like?

i would have big pure white fluffy wings...ide do almost anything for them




  1. I would...they would look like big, snowy white angel's wings. I would fly like an eagle everywhere.

  2. I think it would be somewhat cool to have wings.

    But I would have wings that could be hidden if I felt like being "normal"...

  3. The wings of a falcon or eagle - strong and powerful with the ability to soar to great heights - colour is irrelevent.

  4. I'd have sleek raptor wings, like an eagle or a hawk.

    They'd be awesome.  I'd fly like a maniac.

  5. Yea I'd have wings they'd be like a Gargoyles.

  6. I would want fluffy white wings that shimmer like opals, I think that would be beautiful.

  7. It would be awsome to be able to fly like a bird. I would like to have a pair of beautiful big brown  strong wings and just fly high and far like an Eagle....Fly up mountains and anywhere. Just be free.

  8. Of course I would. Well, I'd have four wings. The first two would be different from each-other. As in, one first wing would be like Vincent Valentines one when he turns into Chaos. The second first wing would be angelic, all white. The bat-like wing would be on my left side while the other first wing would be on my right. Of course the bat-like wing would feel like a bats wing, the angelic one would feel like a birds wing. The second two wings would both be angelic, except the left one would be black, and the right one white. And they could also be hidden by magic or something when I'm in town.

  9. they would be large white, widespread wings, like an eagle! silky, like and actuall bird wing. They would be majestic and shiny and the would make a slow fwoop...fwoop...fwoop..fwoop kinda sound and i'd glide through the skies...i've always wanted wings.

  10. Most definitely, and they would be similar t bat wings, but the colour of my skin, hairless, and taloned.

  11. I always wished that, ever since I've read 'Maximum Ride'! lol.

    They would look like Ibis wings (go to google images) nice, sleek and white.

    and since you said you'd do almost anything for wings...

    plastic surgery! (An no, I'm not kidding. Seriously. Try the link.)

  12. my totem animal is a raven, so i know i would have wings like a raven

  13. I would like wings that glisten in the light and they are colored as if they were formed from the very rainbows themselves they would be as soft and warm as the love of a mother and her child and I will glide among the heavens and perch on a tall tree with the person I care about to watch the sun rise from the green hills

  14. If i have wigs i would go America,london,all over caribbean

  15. id have big fluffy light blue wigs that shine when i fly! and when its dark thus it will glow ; ) and i think they would feel wierd at first but then they would feel ok after you get use to fly high heehee

  16. I always thought mine would be really large and black, almost like a hawk. Just really spread out.

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