
If you could choose to know....?

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the exact date and time you're going to die, would you want to know?




  1. heck no. that would be so stressful & depressing.

  2. nope

  3. Yes so I could make sure all my affairs are in order and I would give my possessions  to whom I wanted to have them .

  4. yes as i could try to stop it for example scientifically freezing my body at that time, thus stopping my heart and making me "dead" but with the possibility of being brought back in a few weeks to be safe. Also a prediction like that never guarantees you will stay dead. Plus I'd want to be ready anyway

  5. yeah but if you knew the time and date you could prepare yourself better for the day and maybe pull off something worthy of a spot in a final destination film. Like if your gonna get eaten by a shark on feb the 9th 2010 make sure you dont hit the beach or something. It could come in useful in some cases cause you are prepared to fight anything the day has to throw at you and have more of a chance to survive than you did without knowing.

  6. No, I wouldnt.

    ( =

    would you?

  7. No. I would rather choose to be told How old I would live to be.

  8. That is a tough one for me ... I lost someone suddenly, and if I had only known ...

    Read "Tuesdays with Morrie".  It made me think about similar questions. Amazing book about living life to its fullest, as you perceive that to be adn not holding back with those you love ... cause we never know!

  9. I have thought about that before, but I would be too worked up until then, anticipating how I am going to die. I think I would rather know what age I will live to be, then I could live a (hopefully!) long, happy, life without worrying about death or diseases and whatnot.

  10. No, because you would be waiting for that date, worrying your life away

  11. no, im not so concerned about WHEN i'm going to die as much as I am concerned about HOW i am going to die. I  

  12. naw tht wood b scary

  13. No I wouldn't.

    When it happens it happens, and If I knew when I was going to die It would overshadow everything I did up until that point.

  14. Not at all, it takes all the fun out of life. Would u?  

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