
If you could choose....would you be the s*x you are??

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I love being a girl, the fact that we can talk about our feelings and have great friendships, we love people and are caring BUT I hate our domestic role, I hate the way we are expected to clean after lazy men and care for children, I dont want to do any of this! what do you think?

If you are a boy would you rather be a girl? Or vice versa?

I'm not taking about sexuality but more like sociology. What parts of your "role" do you love or hate???




  1. I would never change the s*x i am,women have an awful time of it compared to us men.

  2. Every morn, from the day I was born

    I shout with joy: Thank you Lord for making me a boy!!

    I can easily see with my eyes of blue,

    My needs & wants are simple & few.

    I don't have fits over shaving my legs & pits

    Retaining water, birthing babies or even having zits.

    I take life as it comes, the good & the bad.

    I'm thankful for all that I have & try never to be sad.

    And I don't like drama, wearing tight jeans, or always having my way.

    All I ever ask for is someone to love & place to stay

  3. i agree, being a girl with the slight inbalance of roles that we pursue.

    but in todays society i think that women are so nearly completely equal that we can't complain......i would rather be a girl

    but periods and childbirth are not pros!

  4. Yes, I feel comfortable as a girl and think that we females have beautiful bodies. Period pains are a bit of a drag, but sometimes I think that endurance can be good for you, and it makes you a stronger person.

    From a sexual point of view, I'm definitely glad I'm a girl - not only do we get to enjoy multiple orgasms, but also let's just say that our 'most sensitive parts' have twice as many nerve endings as men's. So being a bloke would mean you'd lose half your feeling down below, and who would want that?

  5. I would not change as I love dressing in a maid uniform and doing housework as maidservant and I am sure if I was a girl it would not be nearly so much fun

  6. Yes I would , although I would say as women, we go through a whole lot more then men!

  7. most definitely,wouldn't have it any other way.

  8. I think there will be few boys/men, who want to be girls/women but I guess there will be women who want to be men.  I am quite happy being a woman and I don't wait on any man; I live alone, ha,ha.

  9. Sometimes i feel it'd be easier being a guy, but wouldn't trade EVER.

    I love being female, dressing up, makeup, hair.

    I hate the media portraying women as s*x objects although.

    The day I clean up after any man, will be the day I become a guy.



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